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CLEAN WATER ACT Section 319 Grant Funds Robin F. “Rob” Rung Contracts / Grants Officer Water Quality Planning Bureau Department of Environmental Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "CLEAN WATER ACT Section 319 Grant Funds Robin F. “Rob” Rung Contracts / Grants Officer Water Quality Planning Bureau Department of Environmental Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLEAN WATER ACT Section 319 Grant Funds Robin F. “Rob” Rung Contracts / Grants Officer Water Quality Planning Bureau Department of Environmental Quality

2 319 Overview  DEQ is the lead Montana agency for the NPS program, and for the Clean Water Act Section 319 grant program.  Grant funds are used to further Montana’s Non Point Source Program (NPS) goals.  Montana’s primary goal is to protect clean water and restore water bodies that are impaired by NPS that do not meet state water quality standards.

3 Protecting and Restoring  Protection of clean water that meets or exceeds standards is accomplished through the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs), and the application of education and outreach (E&O) activities.  For impaired water bodies that are not meeting standards, the State’s goal is to restore those waters through the development and implementation of science-based, locally-supported Watershed Restoration Plans (WRPs). Restoration of impaired water bodies is primarily done through implementation of BMPs as called for in approved WRPs.

4 Categories  Watershed Restoration (including planning)  Groundwater  Education & Outreach

5 All 319 Grants Must…  Be submitted by an eligible applicant  Provide a 40% cost share in Non-Federal Matching funds  Keep Contract Administration costs to 10% or lower for 319 funds requested  Address the following: Education & Outreach, Reporting, Operation & Maintenance, Monitoring and Document Cooperative Efforts.

6 Eligible Applicants  State and Local Government Entities (Counties, Cities, Conservation Districts, Irrigation Districts, etc.)  Non-Profit Organizations with IRS designation of 501(c)3

7 319 Grant Funds Cannot…  Be used for implementation of regulatory projects (permit specified tasks)  Be used as match dollars against other federal funds  Procure Land, Food or Recreation Activities.

8 Specific to Storm Water…  319 Funds can be used for planning projects as well as: Carrying out Education & Outreach activities (provided they are not included in a permit) Carrying out Education & Outreach activities (provided they are not included in a permit) Monitoring activities Monitoring activities Project Coordination Project Coordination

9 Project Funding  319 Funds can not be the sole source of project funding…especially for storm water projects.  Several State and Federal Grants exist and enhance each other for the project as a whole.  Start planning the project early and exploring all funding options. Let funding sources know about your project.  Check DEQ website for Natural Resource Grant Matrix at:

10 Project Team  Seeks out all Interested Stakeholders for the project…see what each has to offer in support of the project  Identify the Project Team and their roles & responsibilities  Establishes timelines and matches these up against funding opportunities  Seeks Professional Assistance (consultant) if necessary to help drive the project (Beware, you cannot promise contract work in lieu of pro-bono grant writing or management assistance)

11 Questions ???

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