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USAF Concept Development and Experimentation Update

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1 USAF Concept Development and Experimentation Update
Maj Gen Mike Gould Director of Operational Plans and Joint Matters

2 Overview AF Concept Development Goals and Objectives
USAF Engagement Gameplan USAF Concept Development Process USAF CONOPS USAF Capabilities-based Planning Process Logic Trail Conclusion

3 USAF Concept Development Goals and Objectives
Help shape tomorrow’s Joint Force Influence joint employment concepts and the future joint force structure Develop and validate AF concepts that support joint concepts – and effectively advocate them Invest smartly in DOTMLPF by using AF Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment (CRRA) process Provide linkages from AF CRRA process to the Joint Capabilities and Integration Development System (JCIDS) --- and vice versa Learn from recent experiences and capitalize on “low hanging fruit”

4 USAF Engagement Gameplan
Provide a consistent message to Joint Arena One senior AF concept developer – AF/XOX Provide enough voices so the AF message is heard Ensure HQ AF is adequately focused on concept development JCIDS involvement JROC, JCB, and FCB interaction Fill AF billets at JFCOM to include a cross-functional liaison team Incorporate MAJCOM representation, ideas, and concepts Continue AF Wargaming and support to Sister Service Wargames Ensure the AF message is based on evidence Use historical lessons, testing, experimentation, wargaming, and analysis to validate new concepts Use joint framework and common baselines for validation methodologies

5 USAF Concept Development Process
Primary Developers AF Vision, Strategic Plan Transformation Flight Plan HQ AF and MAJCOMs AF Operations Concepts (AF OpsC) HQ AF and MAJCOMs (Under development) AF Operating Concepts (TBD) AF Functional Concepts (CONOPS) HQ AF and MAJCOMs Operating Concepts – TBD Functional Concepts – CONOPS AF Capabilities HQ AF CRRA Process Service concepts must contribute to Joint Concepts

6 Enabling Capabilities
AF CONOPS Global Strike Homeland Security Nuclear Response Global Persistent Attack Global Mobility Space & C4ISR Enabling Capabilities

7 AF Capabilities-based Planning Process
CONOPS Architectures Development 6x Prioritize Capabilities 6x Planning Inputs: DPG JOCs War Plans AFPP Develop Task Force CONOPS Develop CONOPS 6x A F R O C C A F R O C C Determine Capabilities Required 6x Determine Desired Effects 6x Determine Capability Objectives 6x A F R O C C A F R O C C Integrate Prioritized Capabilities & Objectives from all CONOPS Develop Prioritized Capability Investment-Divestment Strategy D O T M L P F Identify Excess Capabilities or Shortfalls Odd Year POM CRRA Functional Solution Analysis (when required) Air Force Corporate Structure Process Functional Processes POM Guidance to MAJCOMs Requirements (JCIDS) S & T Focus Analysis Requirements Operational Planning Personnel Planning Acquisition Strategy Infrastructure/Sustainment Planning Even Year Review CRRA BUDGET AFROCC Oversight APPG

8 Logic Trail Feedback Strategic Direction The Common Truths
Joint Language Departure for all Debates Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsC) AF OpsC Joint Operating & Functional Concepts (JOCs) AF Operating Concepts AF CONOPS Feedback Joint Capabilities OBJ: Versatile airpower force that mitigates risk against a fast, stressing, anti-access problem MOE: Warfighting value and/or risk to the strategy providing compelling desire to invest AF Capabilities guided by analysis Requirements Solutions CRRA

9 Conclusion AF is committed to supporting the joint force
AF is providing answers to support joint concepts Dedicated work force Consistent message Based on evidence and accepted baselines “Tooth-to-tail” capabilities-based planning process Full gamut of complimentary initiatives

10 Questions?


12 Linked Slides

13 Global Strike CONOPS Mission: Counter intense anti-access systems to allow persistent follow-on operations Defeat or suppress adversary anti-access capabilities to “kick down the door” Employ a wide range of stand-off and strike platform-based sensors and flexible command systems to provide accurate and timely data to decision makers / cockpits Assets: Stealth, precision, stand-off, IO, and Space / C4ISR

14 Global Persistent Attack CONOPS
Provide a poised force, ready to engage any fleeting target in any AOR Provide an integrated joint air, space, maritime, ground, and IO capability to respond globally against targets Provide swift strikes ranging from minutes to hours to days, based on fleeting nature of the target Assets: Precision, stand-off wpns Space & C4ISR Main and forward bases Secure reachback 1 Hour Response/450 NM 3 Hour Response/1350 NM

15 Homeland Security CONOPS
Integrate with joint and interagency efforts to prevent, protect against, and respond to homeland threats Defend against air and space threats Prevent threats and attacks by neutralizing the threat Protect against threats that can not be prevented Respond to a hostile attack against the homeland Assets: Offensive and defensive counterair assets Space & C4ISR, GR, & GS CONOPS capabilities Joint / inter-agencies

16 Global Mobility CONOPS
Provide assets around the globe anytime, anywhere Provide tailored capabilities to stand-up and sustain combat operations at prepared and austere locations Assets: Agile / expeditionary combat support Trained advance EWOC teams Global reachback Basing agreements Improved delivery modes Space & C4ISR SMART TANKER

17 Space & C4ISR CONOPS Provide real-time decision quality information across horizontally integrated networks Provide a single network to remove the seams between tactical, theater, and national assets Enable dynamic command, control, synchronization, and integration of platforms, sensors, and strikers Compress the kill chain across the entire spectrum of ops Provide persistent global surveillance Enable independent or joint and multi-national operations

18 Nuclear Response CONOPS
CONOPS: SECRET/NOFORN Provide nuclear response options to theater commanders across the entire spectrum of conflict Act as AEF Topcover—the deterrent umbrella under which conventional forces operate Dissuade any adversary from employing nuclear threats If deterrence fails, execute response options to defeat the enemy and reestablish deterrence upon conflict termination

19 Backup

20 Joint Concept Development Process
Primary Developers Strategic Direction OSD, J5, J7 Joint Staff – J7 Services, Combatant Commands, and Defense Agencies Joint Operations Concepts JFCOM, STRATCOM, NORTHCOM Joint Staff – J8 Services Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts JFCOM Services Combatant Commands Joint Capabilities Service concepts must contribute to Joint Concepts

21 Joint Capabilities-based Methodology
Past Future Top Down Strategic Direction Integrated at Department Systems Joint Operations Concepts Requirements Joint/Service Operating Concepts Joint Capabilities Briefed to & approved by SecDef – 3 Jan 03 Bottom up Focus leadership early -- Move decision points forward Increase opportunities to adjust at the proper points along the way Improve analytical rigor Shift the focus from “bottom-up threat-based” requirements to “top-down capabilities-based” needs

22 JCIDS Process

23 Major Joint Concepts Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsC)
Joint Operating Concepts (JOCs) Major Combat Operations (MCO) Stability Operations Strategic Deterrence Homeland Security Functional Concepts Battlespace Awareness Protection Force Application Command and Control Focused Logistics Other Joint Urban Ops (JUO) Joint Forcible Entry Ops

24 JFCOM’s CD&E Strategy FY 02 Major Experiment Millennium Challenge
Field the Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ) – including the enabling concepts for developing transformational joint command and control Pursue rapid, prototyping of capabilities to improve joint warfighting now FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 Joint Prototype Path FY 02 Major Experiment FY 01 Distributive Continuous Experimentation Environment supports both pathways Promising capabilities moved from Joint Concept Development to the Joint Prototype Pathway Millennium Challenge Unified Vision Joint Concept Development Path Provide actionable recommendations from experimentation results to senior leaders to inform options for future force investments FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 Leverage Service Sponsored Wargames and Seminars

25 Concept & Program Development
USAF CD&E Process Planning Experiment & Wargame Development Execution Concept & Program Development Detailed Experiment Plans Detailed Experiment Plans AF & Joint Visions AF Strategic Plan AF & Joint Campaign Plans AF Operating Concepts MAJCOM Inputs Design Prepare Conduct Assess Integration AF Actions Review and Approval Results Recommendations Track and Monitor Implementation Joint Actions

26 Other USAF Initiatives
JEFX 04 Three focus areas: Effects Based Operations Predictive Battlespace Awareness Network Centric Infrastructure Advanced Technology Concept Demo (ACTD) Focuses on new technologies from labs and industry USAF Battlelabs Assess innovative concepts to improve Air Force core competencies in Joint Warfighting Battlelabs are Major Command or Field Operating Agency owned and managed with Air Staff policy & guidance USAF Wargames

27 USAF Wargames “Global Engagement (GE)”
AF CSAF Title X Wargame Series Biennial; Mid-Term Security Environment; Concept Exploration “Futures” (Aerospace Future Capabilities Wargame) Biennial; Far-Term Security Environment; Force Structure Exploration “Schriever” AF Space Command’s Wargame Series Focuses on future Space and Air Power Integration Air Force Technology exploration Wargame AF Research Laboratory Wargame series Far Term Technologies for Warfighter

28 Major USAF Efforts in Experiments & Wargames
A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J Experiments JEFX 04 Spiral 3, Jun 04 JEFX 04 Jul-Aug 04 JEFX 04 Spiral 1, Jan 04 JEFX 04 Spiral 2, Apr 04 Wargames Thors Hammer (NRO) Feb 04 Navy Wargame 5-9 Oct 03 Unified Quest (USA) Apr 04 Unified Quest (USA) Apr 05 Futures Dec 03 GLOMO III Mar 04 GE VII 21-30 Jul 04 GLOMO IV Mar 05 USMC Expeditionary Warrior Oct 03 USMC Expeditionary Warrior Oct 04? A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

29 USAF Wargame Support AF Support other Service, Joint, and Office Secretary Defense (OSD) Wargaming Army: Unified Quest Navy: Unified Course Marine Corps: Expeditionary Warrior Series JFCOM Concept Development: Pinnacle Impact JFCOM SJFHQ Prototype and Validate Pathway OSD: Project Magellan/Net Assessment Joint Staff: Dominant Maneuver/Precision Engagement

30 AEF CONOPS Objectives Articulate the span of problems that warfighters face in today’s geopolitical environment across the entire spectrum of conflict Articulate the unique core competencies, distinctive capabilities, and broad-based functions that the AEF brings to the joint warfighting arena In particular, those critical capabilities that enable the AEF and six Task Forces to accomplish the mission Articulate how the AEF sequences those capabilities in a logical manner to provide Task Force CONOPS-based Air & Space Expeditionary Task Forces (AETFs) to the Joint Force Commander

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