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30.05.2006 The LEONARDO Project Embedding Standards Status May 2006.

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1 30.05.2006 The LEONARDO Project Embedding Standards Status May 2006

2 30.05.2006 Partnership LEONARDO-Partners: DEKRA-Akademie (Koordinator, DE); Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien (AT); Bundesverband der Digitalen Wirtschaft (BVDW, DE); Fachhochschule Osnabrück (DE); MMB – Institut für Medien- und Kompetenzforschung, Essen (DE); Asociación Española de Empresas de Multimedia (ASEDEM, ES); Indra S.A., Madrid (ES); Association Multimedia Emploi, Bordeaux (FR); South-East European Research Center (SEERC), Thessaloniki (GR); Security Technologies Competence Centre (SETCCE), Ljubljana (SI); Fastrak Consulting, Brighton (UK); National Institute for Vocational Education (NIVE), Budapest (HU); Prompt, Gödöllö (HU) Corresponding Partners: KIBNET/BITKOM (DE); Association SwissMedia (CH) Subcontractor: E-Skills UK (UK)

3 30.05.2006 Overall Objective Contribute to overcome the „standardisation divide“ in Europe by developing and piloting sector- oriented qualification approaches

4 30.05.2006 Tasks 1.Identify grids/reference points existing ICT/multimedia profiles and curricula should be measured against 2.Define reference profiles and smallest assessable units 3.Derive qualifications/curricula from profiles and assign credit points to units 4.Design organizational model for transnational vocational training measure/human resources development 5.Carry out and evaluate training, thereby creating Zones of Mutual Trust

5 30.05.2006 What we have already done Identified grids/reference points existing ICT/multimedia profiles and curricula should be measured against Defined reference profiles and smallest assessable units Derived qualifications/curricula from profiles and established interfaces for the assignment of credit points to units Designed organizational model for transnational vocational training measure/human resources development

6 30.05.2006 1. Grid/Reference Points European Qualification Framework (EQF): It should deliver general descriptors of knowledge, skills, and wider competence European ICT Skills Framework: It should deliver sector specific descriptions of knowledge, skills, and wider competence European Credit Transfer System on Vocational and Educational Training (ECVET): It should be useable as an instrument for the transnational acknowledgement of acquired knowledge, skills, and wider competence

7 30.05.2006 2. Profiles Three profiles have been selected: IT Project Coordinator (taken from the German Advanced IT Training System - AITTS) IT Security Coordinator (taken from the AITTS) Web Content Specialist (taken from a previous LEONARDO project) Profiles are already subdivided in work elements, thus delivering smallest assessable units. According to this, job descriptions have been created, defining knowledge, skills and wider competences via SFIA categories, but also in EQF terms.

8 30.05.2006 3. Qualifications in Terms of KSC Derived from job descriptions, two qualifications/curricula have already been designed, structured in a way that enables ECVET application.

9 30.05.2006 4. Model of Transnational Training/HRD This model includes Memorandum of Understanding Learner Agreement Technical Basis

10 30.05.2006 What we are doing at the moment Carry out and evaluate training, thereby creating Zones of Mutual Trust

11 30.05.2006 5. Zones of Mutual Trust Zones of mutual trust shall be created by Interviews addressed to stakeholders Involving stakeholders into the process of transnational training/HRD Carrying out and evaluating transnational training/HRD with transparent results, especially with regard to the assessment of competences Creating sustainable structures for further transnational collaboration of stakeholders

12 30.05.2006 You will find further information under Contact: Gerald Thiel, +49 89 3086170, +49 177 9298707 Thank you!

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