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Globalization It’s a Small World. Globalization It has become a buzzword that some use to describe much of what is happening in the world today. Global.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization It’s a Small World. Globalization It has become a buzzword that some use to describe much of what is happening in the world today. Global."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization It’s a Small World

2 Globalization It has become a buzzword that some use to describe much of what is happening in the world today. Global citizens, global media, global economy, global hunger, global warming are all associated with “globalization” Can you think of any other globalization buzzwords?

3 Globalization The dictionary definition of globalization is: to extend to other or all parts of the globe; to make worldwide

4 Globalization Some would say the world began to globalize approximately 100 years ago with the growth of international trade and migration.

5 Globalization But the depression of the 1930’s ended that. International ties among nations became strengthened again after World War II. This laid the groundwork for today's globalization

6 Globalization In the late 1980s and early 1990s the term globalization expanded. It means, to make global or worldwide in scope or application.

7 Globalization Globalization is a reality that, for better or worse, touches our lives in Atlantic Canada in ways most of us never stop to think about.

8 Globalization The internet has created a global communications revolution (the globalization of information)

9 Globalization McDonald's is spreading its restaurants across the globe (the globalization of food)

10 10 Globalization Health concerns such as increasing rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, levels of obesity, etc. (the globalization of health issues and disease) 10

11 11 Globalization Advances in the health of people all over the world - including longevity, access to health care, etc (the globalization of standards of health) 11

12 Globalization Globalization can be seen as a positive or negative process Globalization

13 For consumers it is largely a good thing. More choice, greater spending, rising living standards Growth in international travel.

14 Globalization Supporters say globalization has promoted information exchange led to a greater understanding and acceptance of other cultures allowed for the spread of democracy.

15 Globalization However, there is a growing opposition to the forces of globalization.

16 Globalization Critics say the West's gain has been at the expense of developing countries. The already meager share of the global income of the poorest people in the world has dropped from 2.3% to 1.4% in the last decade

17 Globalization National cultures and identities are also under threat thanks to the spread of satellite TV, international media networks and increased personal travel. In our theatres, almost all filmgoers watch Hollywood (American) movies.

18 Globalization Huge trans-national companies are becoming more powerful and influential than democratically-elected governments, putting shareholder interests above those of communities and even customers.

19 Globalization Ecological campaigners say corporations are disregarding the environment in the stampede for mega- profits and marketplace supremacy.

20 Globalization Human rights groups say corporate power is restricting individual freedom.

21 Globalization Small businesses are afraid that global economies will put them out of work.

22 Globalization What do you think?

23 Globalization The mere fact the debate about globalization can take place simultaneously across countries and continents may well show that we indeed live in the global village.

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