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6 Qualities of a Great Blog Post. 1) Post can be read quickly Average visitor to a blog stays 96 seconds. They don’t want to read a novel. Aim for about.

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Presentation on theme: "6 Qualities of a Great Blog Post. 1) Post can be read quickly Average visitor to a blog stays 96 seconds. They don’t want to read a novel. Aim for about."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Qualities of a Great Blog Post

2 1) Post can be read quickly Average visitor to a blog stays 96 seconds. They don’t want to read a novel. Aim for about 500 words per post.

3 2) Post is scanable Can visitors look at your post for 30 seconds and know what it’s about?

4 Making a post scanable Use bold, italics, and underlining These help your reader focus in on the important points Include headings and lists Easier and faster for people to go through a list than an essay style post Use images Eyes are drawn to pictures. Be strategic and place them by your key points

5 3) Title is catchy Is your title catchy? Does it make an interesting first impression?

6 4) Writing is plain, concise, and has a common-sense style Sound conversational, like you’re talking to your friend, but avoid confusing slang and jargon. Don’t be too wordy.

7 5) End post with a question Get a conversation started!! The best way to get people to comment is to ask a question.

8 6) Proofread, and then Proofread again You want to sound creditable. Spelling mistakes, typos, and grammar issues just hurt your case.

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