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Using wavelets on the XBOX360 For current and future games San Francisco, GDC 2008 Mike Boulton Senior Software Engineer Rare/MGS

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Presentation on theme: "Using wavelets on the XBOX360 For current and future games San Francisco, GDC 2008 Mike Boulton Senior Software Engineer Rare/MGS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using wavelets on the XBOX360 For current and future games San Francisco, GDC 2008 Mike Boulton Senior Software Engineer Rare/MGS

2 Introduction Fixed compression methods such as DXT are becoming antiquated Distribution of data “density” becoming less uniform as complexity increases Why can’t compression efforts be focused where it matters most? Wavelets can help!

3 What are wavelets? Wavelets are mathematical functions formed from scaled and translated copies of a few basis functions The advantage is their ability to localize functions in both frequency and space – Fourier just frequency – “Point basis” just space There are lots of common wavelet bases

4 Why 2D Haar? This talk will focus on 2D Haar wavelets Haar is the simplest basis set – In general, this means more basis terms and/or blocky artefacts – But also easiest to implement – “Blocky” nature of bases is less of a problem for operations such as integration What do the wavelets look like?

5 2D Haar continued... Three basis wavelet functions, plus ‘solid’ scaling function – White represents +1, black -1

6 The wavelet advantage Local coverage allows windowed changes – Compared with spherical harmonics, which have global cover – This means that local changes only involve local bases Mip-map chains not required for image decompression Truly variable compression – Can focus efforts where it counts

7 Usage examples Real-time shader image decompression Lighting Static shadow maps Displacement maps over large areas Easy dynamic texture packing Geometry representations...many more!

8 Talk focus Real-time shader image decompression – Real-time on XBOX360 GPU – 500Hz+ for full-screen 720p monochrome decompression Double-product integration for relighting – Real-time (ish!) on XBOX360 GPU Other applications – E.G. geometry representation – If time!

9 Real-time image decompression Image broken up into 16x16 texel blocks Each block compressed into wavelet sub-tree Texture at 1/16 th resolution stores scaling coefficient and offset to start of sub-tree Why? – Decompression performance should be independent of main image resolution – Each sub-tree fits inside a texture cache tile, so no traversal cache thrashing – Can unroll traversal loop in shader for perf. gain

10 Real-time image decompression continued... Given a (u,v) coordinate, pixel shader traverses appropriate sub-tree for final value Mip-map chain not required – Obtained as by-product of traversal Intermediate memory not required – All decompression performed directly in the pixel shader Dynamic predication works well – Good vector coherency if minification avoided

11 Real-time image decompression continued... How is the wavelet tree represented? – Stored breadth-first in a line texture – Multiple ways to pack the data – Example: ARGB8 {r, g, b} stores windowed wavelet basis coefficients {a} stores linear offset to child of node, if one exists – If no child exists, we jump to an “empty” node Wait for the rest of the pixel vector to finish – Can use wider data formats E.g. U16, F32

12 Real-time image decompression continued... Uncompressed with mipmaps ~2MB @ 1578fps

13 Real-time image decompression continued... Wavelet compressed, cut-off 0.05, 249KB @ 579fps

14 Real-time image decompression continued... Wavelet compressed, cut-off 0.08, 157KB @ 622fps

15 Real-time image decompression continued... Notice how areas of high contrast have their detail preserved, and areas of lower contrast are “smoothed” out Can use a different notion of importance!

16 Real-time image decompression continued... Has advantages over fixed DXT-like compression schemes: – Can be lossless in areas you need it to be Particularly important for “data” textures, such as SH coefficients – Will do a much better job for images with areas of low contrast Again, higher-order SH terms are a good example But most surface-parameterised data is likely to be like this – Can use “focus” ability to increase the area of parameterisation

17 Real-time image decompression continued... (Video)

18 Double-product integration Another good application is relighting – Work by [Ng, Ramamoorthi and Hanrahan] – Diffuse BRDF We represent both the transfer function (with cosine) and the environment as wavelet trees in a texture

19 Double-product integration continued... Here we need to traverse only the intersection of both trees – So if one is simple, should get good performance Parallel GPU traversal needs to know how to “jump over” bits of either tree not contained in the intersection – If a node has a child, store linear offset to sibling or ancestor (could be root) – Then we can jump over whole child branch if the other tree has no children at that point

20 Double-product integration continued... Performance is a function of the size of the intersection between both trees – Plus other factors such as cache behaviour Loads of other interesting ideas – Transfer function wavelet trees have a tendency to be quite similar in localised patches – Clustering scheme would help further – Could store “representative” tree for each patch, and then a (smaller) “residual” tree per texel of patch

21 Double-product integration continued... (Video)

22 Other applications Wavelets can be used to define surface deformations – As a “dynamic” displacement map Can keep memory overhead constant by removing oldest high-frequency terms for new deformation terms Windowed nature of wavelets makes applying localised deformations simple Can easily modify e.g. moment of inertia

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