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Ozone Depletion Samantha Zrillo and Tiffany Culleny.

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Presentation on theme: "Ozone Depletion Samantha Zrillo and Tiffany Culleny."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ozone Depletion Samantha Zrillo and Tiffany Culleny


3 What does it do for us? It prevents us from absorbing an excessive amount of radiation Decreased ozone layer will increase rates of malaria and other diseases so it prevents a lot of the population from getting that and cataracts Every time 1% of the ozone layer is depleted, 2% more UV-B is able to reach the surface of the planet. So it prevents us from getting… SUNBURN! Which can turn into skin cancer

4 How was/ is it being depleted? The depletion is caused by reactions to chemicals in the air from factories, hairspray, and pollution from vehicles. These chemicals are commonly known as CFC’s. “CFC’s are compounds that contain atoms of carbon, chlorine, and fluorine.” They are a type of stable chemical.


6 What is causing the depletion? The chemicals that harm the ozone take a very long time to get to the ozone layer. CFCs would remain in the stratosphere for another 100 years even if none were ever produced again. Therefore, those chemicals from years ago are still contributing to ozone depletion today. Rapid climate change is causing the ozone layer to heal slower then ever before!!!!

7 Are we trying to slow the depletion? No, because even though most people know about the problem, they don’t know how much of a problem it really is, so they basically ignore it.

8 How can we solve this problem???!!! STOP USING CFC’S!


10 The end We hope you enjoyed this!

11 Works Cited Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History. Ed. Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2008. Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2008. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Stroudsburg High School. 23 Feb. 2009

12 Questions! 1)What is ozone depletion? A. Chemicals in the air that are making holes in the ozone B. Two distinct, but related observations C. a slow, steady decline in the total volume of ozone in earth’s stratosphere D. Both B and C 2)What is the ozone layer? A. Earth's atmosphere which contains very high concentrations of ozone B. (O3) C. Sun’s high ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on earth D. A and B E. A and C F. All of the above

13 More Questions 3)What is depleting the ozone layer? A. All of the below B. Hair spray C.Febreeze D. Factories E. Tanning beds F. B and D G. A, B, and E 4)What’s a CFC? A. Chlorofluorocarbons B. Chlorine C. Carbon D. Fluoride E. A and D F. All of the above

14 Question and short answer 5)Are CFCs stable chemicals or unstable? A. Stable B. Unstable C. Both Explain the CFC problem in order from 1 to 4.

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