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Selection, Administration, Scoring, and Communicating Assessment Results Chapter 5.

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1 Selection, Administration, Scoring, and Communicating Assessment Results Chapter 5

2 1. Determine what information is needed 2. Analyze strategies for obtaining information 3. Search assessment resources 4. Evaluate assessment strategies 5. Select an assessment instrument or strategy Selection of Assessment Instruments/Strategies

3  Identify:  information needed for specific client  general information clinicians in an organization need about clients  Consider information that is already available Determine Information Needed

4  Formal or informal techniques  Consider which assessment method would be best suited to client(s)  Consider professional limitations & which instruments counselor can ethically administer and interpret Analyze Strategies for Obtaining Information

5  Resources:  Mental Measurements Yearbook  Educational Testing Service (ETS) Test Link  Tests in Print  Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education, and Business  Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures Search Assessment Resources

6  Consider:  Test purpose  Instrument development  Appropriate selection of norming group or criterion  Reliability  Validity Evaluate Assessment Strategies

7  Bias  Interpretation and scoring materials  User qualifications  Level A  Level B  Level C  Practical issues Evaluate Assessment Strategies (cont.)

8  Read administration materials ahead of time  Know precise instructions for administration  Attend to time limits, be familiar with testing materials/equipment  Know boundaries of what is acceptable  Use administration checklist, if helpful Administering Assessment Instruments

9  Hand-, computer-, or Internet-scored  Some assessments can be self-scored  Before using computer scoring, investigate integrity of scoring service and steps used to develop program  Some assessments require clinician judgment as part of scoring Scoring

10  Involve performance of “real,” authentic applications, rather than proxies  Objectivity in scoring is more difficult to achieve  Scoring is enhanced if:  Assessment has specific focus  Scoring plan is based on qualities that can be directly observed  Scoring is designed to reflect intended target  The setting for assessment is appropriate  Observers use checklists or rating scales  Scoring procedures have been field-tested before use Oosterhof, 2000 Scoring Authentic/Performance Assessments

11  Often one of the most important parts of assessment process  Surprisingly, little research related to communication of results  Clients who receive test interpretation experience greater gains than those who do not (Goodyear, 1990)  Tentative interpretations more helpful than absolute (Jones & Gelso, 1988)  Clients prefer individual interpretation (Goodyear, 1990) Communicating Results

12  Some tips:  Know information in manual (especially validity information)  “Optimize” the power of the test  Use effective general counseling skills  Develop multiple methods of explaining results  Use visual aids to explain technical terms  Use descriptive terms rather than numerical scores  Provide range of scores and rationale for assessment Guidelines for Communicating Results

13  Some tips:  Use probabilities rather than certainties, tentative interpretations rather than absolutes  Discuss results in context of other information  Involve clients in interpretation  Monitor client reactions during interpretation  Encourage client to ask questions  Discuss limitations of assessment in non-technical terms  Ensure do not leave confused or ill-informed about results  Summarize results Guidelines for Communicating Results (cont.)

14  Be prepared to answer questions and explain results  Results may need to be discussed more than once  Counselor should understand testing used and symptoms of child’s disorder (if applicable)  Help parents adjust to diagnosis  Be prepared to use a variety of techniques  Focus on active, coping approach  Acknowledge parents’ emotions Communicating Results to Parents

15  Purpose: To disseminate assessment information to parents or other professionals  Evaluate quality of reports before implementing suggested interventions  Expect a comprehensive overview of client and interpretation of results in contextual manner  Should be carefully crafted with attention to detail  Be alert for typographical errors, use of vague jargon, careless mistakes, lack of detail Psychological Reports

16  Common areas:  Identifying Information  Reason for Referral  Background Information  Behavioral Observations  Assessment Results and Interpretations  Diagnostic Impressions & Summary  Recommendations  Signature Psychological Reports (cont.)

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