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EM411 ASA Deployment – Tips and Techniques Bill Hillis Senior Manager, Engineering iAnywhere Solutions

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Presentation on theme: "EM411 ASA Deployment – Tips and Techniques Bill Hillis Senior Manager, Engineering iAnywhere Solutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 EM411 ASA Deployment – Tips and Techniques Bill Hillis Senior Manager, Engineering iAnywhere Solutions

2 Agenda Overview Directory structure and required files Deploying connection information Deploying databases Ways to distribute files Mobile Manager Obtaining maintenance and software updates

3 Overview Delivering a subset of files to a customer’s machine Check your license agreement Redistribution of files is subject to your license agreement with Sybase

4 Deployment Models Client deployment Deploy client portions of ASA, connect to a central network server Network-server deployment Deploy network servers to offices, and deploy clients to users Embedded database deployment Deploy an application that runs with the personal server. Both client and personal server deployed

5 Deployment Models (cont) SQL Remote deployment Deploying a SQL Remote solution is an extension of embedded database MobiLink deployment Deploy a central MobiLink server, and MobiLink clients to users

6 Client-Server Architecture Client Application Interface ODBC OLEDB DBLib JDBC Open Client Database Server Database

7 ASA Database Servers Personal database server – dbeng7.exe – single user, same machine Network database server – dbsrv7.exe – multi-user, network access Runtime database server – rteng7.exe – single user, same machine, free deployment, restricted features Authenticated servers – special versions of dbeng7.exe and dbsrv7.exe – only work with authenticated applications

8 What Files Do You Need On the client machine Your application Interface files Connection information On the server machine Database server Database file

9 Directory Structure You need to maintain the ASA directory structure Registry: HKLM\Software\Sybase\Adaptive Server Anywhere\7.0 Location = root of ASA directory Shared Location = root of shared directory

10 Directory Structure (cont) ASA Directory (referred to as ) C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 7 Win32 Charsets Java Scripts

11 Directory Structure (cont) Shared Directory (referred to as ) C:\Program Files\Sybase\Shared Sybase Central 4.0 jConnect-4_2 jConnect-5_2 jutils-2_0 docs-42_52 Sun\jdk122\jre Java Win32

12 Interface Files Common files dblgen7.dll, dbcon7.dll, dbipx7.dll ODBC dbodbc7.dll, dbodtr7.dll + common + MDAC OLEDB dboledb7.dll + common + MDAC DBLib dblib7.dll + common + MDAC

13 Interface Files (cont) JDBC Sun JRE, and jConnect directories Open Client Lots of files

14 Language DLL Contains error messages and strings dblgXX7.dll - where XX is the 2-letter ISO code other languages available FR, DE, JA, ES, PT, IT, PL, KO, RU, TW, UK, ZH French, German and Japanese versions are fully localized See

15 MDAC Microsoft Data Access Components ASA 7.0.3 includes 2.5, but 2.6 available Available from mdac_typ.exe Release manifest available Includes ODBC, OLEDB, ADO, RDS, (SQL Server, Oracle, Jet, FoxPro)

16 MDAC Details ODBC (C:\Winnt\System32) ds16gt.dll, ds32gt.dll, mtxdm.dll, odbc16gt.dll, odbc32.dll, odbc32gt.dll, odbcad32.exe, odbccp32.cpl, odbccp32.dll, odbccr32.dll, odbccu32.dll, odbcint.dll, odbctrac.dll OLEDB (C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ole db) msdadc.dll, msdaenum.dll, msdaer.dll, msdaosp.dll, msdaps.dll, msdasc.dll, msdasql.dll, msdasqlr.dll, msdatl2.dll, msdatt.dll, msdaurl.dll, msxactps.dll, oledb32.dll, oledb32a.dll, oledb32r.dll, oledb32x.dll ADO (C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado) msader15.dll, msado15.dll, msado20.tlb, msado21.tlb, msadomd.dll, msador15.dll, msadox.dll, msadrh15.dll

17 MDAC Details (cont) RDS (C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\msadc) msadce.dll, msadcer.dll, msadcf.dll, msadcfr.dll, msadco.dll, msadcor.dll, msadcs.dll, msadds.dll, msaddsr.dll, msdaprsr.dll, msdaprst.dll, msdarem.dll, msadremr.dll, msdatsrc.tlb, msdfmap.dll Common (C:\Winnt\System32) asycfilt.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll, stdole2.tlb ctl3d32.dll, msvcirt.dll, msvcrt.dll, msvcrt40.dll msdart32.dll, msdamg9x.dll

18 Configuring the ODBC Driver Driver needs to be registered with driver manager HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0 Driver = full path to dbodbc7.dll Setup = full path to dbodbc7.dll HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0 = Installed Or: let the driver register itself

19 Self-Registering DLLs Two ways to do this From the command-line regsvr32 dbodbc7.dll From a program module = LoadLibrary( “dbodbc7.dll” ); proc = GetProcAddress( module, “DLLRegisterServer” ); rc = *proc(); FreeLibrary( module );

20 Configuring the OLEDB driver Driver needs to be registered with COM HKCR\ASAProv (Default) = Sybase ASA OLE DB Provider HKCR\ASAProv\CLSID (Default) = {41dfe9e0-db91-11d2-8c43- 006008d26a6f} HKCR\ASAEnum and HKCR\ASAErrorLookup etc. Or: let the driver register itself

21 Deploying Interactive SQL Technical support aid On client and server machines Classic version may be better for machines with limited resources \win32\dbisqlc.exe Requires common, dblib7.dll, MDAC, libunic.dll

22 Deploying Java ISQL Rich user-interface, and cross-platform support \java directory isql.jar, jlogon.jar \win32 directory dbisql.exe, dbisqlg.exe, dbput7.dll, dblib7.dll + common + MDAC Shared Java components

23 Shared Java Components Shared directory java (sceditor40.jar, queryeditor40.jar, jsyblib.jar) win32 (jsyblib.dll) Sun\jdk122\jre\… jConnect-4_2\… jConnect-5_2\… jutils-2_0\… docs-42_52\…

24 Deploying Sybase Central 4.0 Sybase Central Viewer Registry: HKLM\Software\Sybase\Sybase Central\4.0 Location = root of Sybase Central directory Shared Location = root of shared directory Additional Classpath = \java\jlogon.jar; \jConnect- 5_2\classes\jconn2.jar

25 Deploying Sybase Central 4.0 (cont) Sybase Central directory In the Shared directory \Sybase Central 4.0 Java (sybasecentral.jar, scjview.exe, scjlgen.dll, bridge32.jar, jcchart400k.jar, scwven40.*) Shared Java components

26 Deploying Sybase Central 4.0 (cont) ASA Plugin \Java asaplugin.jar, jlogon.jar \Win32 dbput7.dll, dblib7.dll + common + MDAC Register the plugin \Sybase Central 4.0\java\.scRepository

27 Deploying Sybase Central 4.0 (cont) # Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0.3 Provider installed 6-14-2001 11:44:32 Providers/asa70/ProviderId=asa70 Providers/asa70/Provider=com.sybase.asiq.plugin.ASAPlugin Providers/asa70/Classpath=C:\\PROGRA~1\\Sybase\\SQLANY~1\\jav a\\ASAPLU~1.JAR Providers/asa70/AdditionalClasspath=C:\\PROGRA~1\\Sybase\\SQLA NY~1\\java\\isql.jar;C:\\PROGRA~1\\Sybase\\SQLANY~1\\java\\PR OCDE~1.JAR;C:\\PROGRA~1\\Sybase\\Shared\\java\\QUERYE~1.J AR Providers/asa70/Version=7.0.3 Providers/asa70/Name=Adaptive Server Anywhere 7 Providers/asa70/UseClassloader=true

28 Deploying Database Servers dbeng7.exe or dbsrv7.exe or rteng7.exe required files dbserv7.dll, dblgen7.dll, dbwtsp7.dll dbctrs7.dll, dbctrs7.ini, sqlactnm.h Self-register dbctrs7.dll

29 Deploying Database Servers (cont) optional files libunic.dll and charsets directory scripts directory dbjava7.dll,,,,, dbextf.dll dbstop.exe, dbspawn.exe

30 SQL Remote Architecture Database Server Remote Database Server Consolidated Database Message Agent Message Agent Message System Message System

31 Deploying SQL Remote Message agent - dbremote.exe Requires dblgen7.dll, dbtool7.dll and dbwtsp7.dll One of dbvim7.dll, dbfile7.dll, dbsmtp7.dll, dbmapi7.dll Database server and database Client interface for your application

32 MobiLink Architecture MobiLink Client Remote Database Consolidated Database Server Consolidated Data Store MobiLink Server ODBCStream

33 Deploying MobiLink On the server Consolidated database server, ODBC driver and database (can be ASA) MobiLink server – in \win32 dbmlsrv7.exe, dbmlsv7.dll, dbmlstop.exe, dbmlput7.dll, dbmlctr7.dll, dbmlctr7.ini, dbmlctr7.h, dblgen7.dll, libunicl.dll, mlxtract.exe Self-register dbmlctr7.dll

34 Deploying MobiLink (cont) Stream – in \win32 dbsock7.dll, dbser7.dll, dbhttp7.dll Security addon – in \win32 dbtls7.dll Script files – in \MobiLink\setup mlcpy*.sql, sync* Script files – in \scripts syncasa.sql

35 Deploying MobiLink (cont) MobiLink Plugin In \java mlplugin.jar, jlogon.jar Register the plugin \Sybase Central 4.0\java\.scRepository

36 Deploying MobiLink (cont) # MobiLink Synchronization 7.0.3 Provider installed 6-14-2001 11:44:32 Providers/mobilink70/ProviderId=mobilink70 Providers/mobilink70/Provider=com.sybase.mec.mobilink.plugin.MLP lugin Providers/mobilink70/Classpath=C:\\PROGRA~1\\Sybase\\SQLANY ~1\\java\\mlplugin.jar Providers/mobilink70/Version=7.0.3 Providers/mobilink70/Name=MobiLink Synchronization Providers/mobilink70/UseClassloader=true

37 Deploying MobiLink (cont) MobiLink Clients ASA Client In \win32 – dbmlsync.exe Requires stream, security addon UltraLite Applications In \win32 – ulrt7.dll

38 Deploying Connection Information Generally done with an ODBC datasource User datasources in HKEY_CURRENT_USER System datasources in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE KEY\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources mydsn = Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0

39 Deploying Connection Information (cont) KEY\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\mydsn Driver = \win32\dbodbc7.dll UID = dba PWD = sql DatabaseName = mydb ServerName = myserver DatabaseFile = path\mydb.db Start = \win32\dbeng7.exe

40 Deploying Connection Information (cont) File datasources Location stored in HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC File DSN DefaultDSNDir = path Usually C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources

41 Deploying Databases Deploy a database by copying the.DB file onto the user’s system.LOG file not required Deploy on read-only media in two ways Use server’s –r switch Use a write file on read-write drive

42 Ways to Redistribute Files Develop your own installation program Use the ASA installer – can be run in ‘silent mode’ Use InstallShield templates Use InstallShield objects Use Mobile Manager Which ever option you choose, you must not violate the license agreement

43 Silent Installs Run without user-interaction Install the software in record mode setup –r Creates setup.iss in your C:\Windows directory

44 Silent Installs (cont) To use a silent install setup –s –f1”c:\winnt\setup.iss” setup TARGET_DIR=dirname SHARED_DIR=shared_dirname –s –f1”…” From InstallShield DoInstall( "ASA_install_image\setup.ins, " –s", WAIT );

45 Silent Installs (cont) Response in setup.log ResultCode=X (0 if successful) Reboot result Reboot=X (1 if reboot is necessary) SMS Installs asa7.pdf in extras folder Include install image, setup.iss, asa7.pdf setup –s –SMS –m

46 InstallShield Templates New in 7.0.1 Use with InstallShield 5.x In the \deployment folder Templates for Client, Personal Server, Network Server, Java Tools

47 Mobile Manager

48 Obtaining Maintenance and Software Updates Available from SDN Patches and EBF installs Maintain the ASA directory structure

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