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Company Confidential 1 Working with Data and ADO.Net.

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1 Company Confidential 1 Working with Data and ADO.Net

2 Objectives To understand the Underlying Technologies of Data and ADO.NET –Overview of ADO.NET –Creating Connection to the Database –Displaying data into various controls –Usage of Datagrid using Dataset –Accessing Data with DataSets –Accessing Data with DataReaders –Using SqlDataReader

3 What is ADO.NET ADO.NET is essentially a collection of.NET Classes that expose methods and attributes used to manage communication between an application and a data store. ADO.NET is set to become a core component of any data driven.NET application or Web Service.

4 ADO.NET ADO.NET is Microsoft Latest Data Access Technology to retrieve, manipulate and update data in many different ways. ADO.NET is an integral part of.NET Framework that’s why it shares many of its features such as multi-language support, garbage collection, object oriented design etc.

5 ADO.NET It is a model used by.NET applications to communicate with a database for retrieving, accessing, and updating data. It is a set of classes Can be used with any.NET language Can handle Disconnected Data Stores Can interact with XML

6 What is Connected Architecture? Step 1: Connect to database Step 2: Access data Step 3: Close the Connection Database

7 Introduction to Disconnected Architecture Step 1: Connect Step 2: Retrieve data and store it locally Step 3: Disconnect Database Step 5: Connect, Update the database with changes in Local Copy, Disconnect DataSet Step 4: Manipulate data at Local Copy

8 ADO.NET Object Model DATASET.NET APPLICATION (WINDOWS/ WEB FORM) DATA PROVIDER Accessing retrieved data CONNECTION COMMAND DATA ADAPTER DATA READER Establishes connection with the database Filling dataset with data Transfers data to the dataset and reflects the changes made in the dataset to the database DATABASE Retrieves data in a read-only, forward only mode Executes a command to retrieve data from the database

9 Architecture of ADO.NET ADO.NET architecture consists of three main components: 1. Data Provider 2. DataSet 3. DataView

10 ` UI DataView DataRelation Data Column Data Column Data Column Data Column Data Row Data Row DataSet DataTable Data Row Data Row Data Column Data Column DataTable Architecture of ADO.NET Data Provider DataReader DataAdapter Command Connection DB

11 MSDAORA SQLOLEDB Earlier Scenario of Database Access Win Application Oracle Native API ODBC Manager SQL Server ODBC Driver OLE DB Provider ADO RDO DAO ODBCDirect Declare

12 Please refer to notes page / This page is left intentionally blank

13 Data Providers The link to the database is created and maintained by the Data Provider. A Data Provider is not a single component, but a set of related components that work together. The components of Data Provider are followings: 1. Connection 2. Command 3. DataReader 4. DataAdapter

14 .NET Data Providers ADO.NET MS-SQL SqlDataProvider Oracle OracleDataProvider OLE DB Data source OledbDataProvider OdbcDataProvider ODBC Data source System.Data.SqlClient System.Data.Odbc System.Data.OleDb System.Data.OracleClient.NET Application Layer

15 Components of Connected Architecture SqlConnection for establishing connection with the database SqlCommand for executing a command to retrieve data from the database SqlDataReader for retrieving data in a read-only and forward-only mode

16 Connection To work with database connection Few Properties –ConnectionString is a string that represents the properties of a database connection –State ( Read Only ) provides the current state of the connection –ConnectionTimeout ( Read Only ) –Database ( Read Only ) –DataSource ( Read Only ) Few Methods –Open() –Close()

17 ConnectionString SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( “Initial Catalog=pubs; User ID=sa;Password=; Data Source=localhost”); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( “Initial Catalog=pubs; integrated security=SSPI; Data Source=localhost”); Integrated security uses the current windows OS user name and password to connect to database server.

18 Command To interact with database using SQL queries and Stored procedure Few Properties –CommandText –Connection –CommandType –CommandTimeout –Parameters Data Base

19 Command Few Methods –int ExecuteNonQuery() for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and CREATE queries. –SqlDataReader ExecuteReader() for retrieving multiple rows from the database –object ExecuteScalar() for retrieving single data from database Data Base

20 Command Command object can be used to execute SQL Commands and Stored Procedures. The command object can run all type of SQL statements SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE etc..NET provides two types of Command classes: 1. SqlCommand 2. OleDbCommand

21 Creating a Command Dim sql As String = “SELECT * FROM Products" Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand( sql, myConn ) Or Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand() myCommand.CommandText = “SELECT * FROM Products”

22 Running a Command Command object provides three methods that are used to execute commands on the database: ExecuteNonQuery() – Execute commands that have no return value such as DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE. ExecuteScaler() – Returns a single value from a database query. ExecuteReader() – Return a DataReader object which is a result set returned by SELECT statement.

23 Running a Command Dim myConn As New SqlConnection() myConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost; Integrated Security=SSPI; Initial Catalog=Northwind"; Dim sql As String = “SELECT * FROM Products" Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand( sql, myConn ) myConn.Open() SqlDataReader result = myCommand.ExecuteReader() myConn.Close()

24 Please refer to notes page / This page is left intentionally blank

25 DataReader Data reader –Is used to retrieve data from a data source in a read-only and forward-only mode. –Stores a single row at a time in the memory. Few Properties –FiledCount gets the total number of fields or columns in the row retrieved. –HasRows is used to check if data exists.

26 DataReader Few methods: –Read() is be used to read the next available row in the result and will return true if row is available else false –Close() is used to close the DataReader. –NextResult() is used for Batch Transaction queries. it will advance the DataReader to the next query ’ s result.

27 Constructing SqlCommand object with SQL query SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( “SQL Query ", ConnectionObject ); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( “SQL Query ", ConnectionObject ); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = “SQL Query “; cmd.Connection = ConnectionObject; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = “SQL Query “; cmd.Connection = ConnectionObject;

28 ExecuteNonQuery() Method int ExecuteNonQuery() - to execute commands that return no records, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE statements. It returns the number of rows affected. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Update authors SET City=‘Noida‘ ", connection ); int RowAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Note: Before calling the Execute methods of Command, The connection must be opened.

29 ExecuteScalar() Method object ExecuteScalar() - to retrieve single value. If more rows are retrieved from database, the value from the first column of the first row will be returned. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM authors",connection ); int RowCount = (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

30 ExecuteReader() Method SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM authors", connection ); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); The Read() method of DataReader can be used to access the results row by row. To access every single row, the Read() method has to be invoked. The column values can be accessed as –reader.GetString(0) - returns.NET string type value –reader.GetSqlString(0) - returns SqlDB string type value –reader["au_fname"] – return object type. The reader has to be closed. Otherwise the connection can not be used for further database interaction.


32 Multi-Query as CommandText SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( “SELECT Query1;SELECT Query2;SELECT Query n ", ConnectionObject ); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( “SELECT Query1;SELECT Query2;SELECT Query n ", ConnectionObject ); do {while( reader.Read() ) // Move to next row, if available. { // Access the current row data } while( reader.NextResult() ); // Move to next query’s result, if available. do {while( reader.Read() ) // Move to next row, if available. { // Access the current row data } } while( reader.NextResult() ); // Move to next query’s result, if available.

33 MyEmployee Table Column NameType Eidint EnameVarChar SalaryDecimal

34 Connected Architecture – Update Query SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Initial Catalog=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=;Data source=localhost"); connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = “Update myEmployee set salary=50000”; cmd.Connection = connection; int rowAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); /* The other types of query applicable in this scenario INSERT, DELETE, CREATE TABLE */

35 Connected Architecture – Query with Aggregate function SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Initial Catalog=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=;Data Source=localhost"); connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = “SELECT sum( salary) from myEmployee”;cmd.Connection = connection; int TotalSalary = (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar(); connection.Close();

36 Connected Architecture – Retrieving set of rows /* Create connection and cmd objects as it was done in the previous slides */ SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while( ) { int eid = (int) reader.GetSqlInt32( 0 ); string name = (string) reader.GetSqlString( 1 ); double salary = (double) reader.GetSqlDecimal( 2 ); } reader.Close(); connection.Close();

37 Connected Architecture – Retrieving set of rows /* Create connection and cmd objects as it was done in the previous slides */ SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while( ) { int eid = (int) reader[“Eid”]; string name = (string) reader[“Ename”]; decimal salary = (decimal) reader[“salary”]; } reader.Close(); connection.Close();

38 Components of Disconnected Architecture DataSet – Local database in the application SqlDataAdapter – interacts with database for DataSet The communication for data between database and DataSet happens through DataAdapter Initially, the data are retrieved from database and loaded into DataSet. After the business logic has processed the data in the DataSet, only the modified data are updated in the database. DataSet DataAdapter Database

39 The General Object Model of DataSet DataSet DataTableCollection DataTable DataRelationCollection DataColumnCollectionDataRowCollectionConstraintCollection

40 DataAdapter The DataAdapter serves as a bridge between a DataSet and data source for retrieving and saving data. DataAdapter provides four properties that represent database commands : 1. SelectCommand 2. InsertCommand 3. DeleteCommand 4. UpdateCommand

41 The DataAdapter use: Fill() method to load data from the data source into the DataSet Update() method to send changes made in the DataSet back to the data source..NET provides two types of DataAdapter classes: 1. SqlDataAdapter 2. OleDbDataAdapter

42 DB DataSet DataAdapter SelectCommand DeleteCommand InsertCommand UpdateCommand Fill( ) Update( )

43 DataSet The DataSet acts as a container in which all the data coming from the database is dumped for the local machine to use and manipulate. DBDataSet

44 ADO.NET uses the disconnected approach using the DataSet. DBDataSet Connection Break 

45 DataSet The DataSet is explicitly designed for data access independent of any data source. Oracle DataSet SQL Server 2000 Access XML File

46 DataSet The database is then later updated back from the DataSet. DBDataSet Data Updated

47 The DataSet contains a collection of one or more DataTable objects, DataTables are similar to tables or relations in DBMS. A DataTable consists 0 or more DataColumn and DataRow objects. DataTables DataColumn DataRow DataSet

48 DataSet Tables DataTable Columns DataColumn Constraints DataConstraint Rows DataRow Relations DataRelation DataSet also has DataRelation object which maintain relationship between two or more tables in DataSet just like Database. DataTable object in DataSet has DataConstraint object which apply Primary Key and Foreign Key Constraint on DataColumns in DataSet just like Database.

49 DataRelation and DataConstraint Emp_IDNameSalaryDate Emp_IDDateAmountOrder_ID DataTable (Employee) DataTable (Order) DataConstraint (Emp_ID) DataRelation

50 DataSet Another Feature of DataSet is that it tracks changes that are made to the data it holds before updating the source data. DataSet are also fully XML featured. They contain methods such as GetXml( ) and WriteXml( ) that respectively produce and consume XML data easily. Due to XML support ADO.NET DataSet can be used in n-tier architecture.

51 Business TierData Tier Presentation Tier Windows Forms Web Forms Business to Business Data Object (Class) DataSet Internet Intranet Data Adapter (BizTalk, for example) XML MyApp.Exe IE

52 DataSet Life Cycle 1. Extract tables from database and store it in DataSet. 2. Setup Relationship between Tables in DataSet. 3. Make changes to Data. 4. Update database from DataSet changes.

53 Original Database DataSet Table1 Table2 Sets up relationships DataSet Table1 Table2 Makes changes to data DataSet Table1 Table2 Resolves changes with Managed Provider Extracts tables With Managed Provider Connected Operations Disconnected Operations

54 DataView DataView class acts as a view onto a single DataTable. DataView provides the following features: 1. Sorting of data based on any column criteria. 2. Filtering based on any combination of column values.

55 DataSet Emp_IDNameSalaryDatePhoneEmailEmp_IDNameSalaryDatePhoneEmailEmp_IDNameSalaryDatePhoneEmail

56 Data Change Management in DataSet Data changes in DataSet is maintained by –RowState property of DataRow object indicates the type of modification happened to the DataRow –DataRowVersion helps to maintain multiple copies of a DataRow record Using the RowState and DataRowVersion, only the modified data in DataSet are updated in the database. The data in DataSet can be modified by following operation –Inserting a new row –Deleting a row –Updating column values of a row

57 RowState Property RowState ( DataRowState Enumerator type ) has following values –Added ( a DataRow object that is added to DataSet) –Deleted ( a DataRow object that is deleted in DataSet) –Detached ( a DataRow object that is instantiated but not added to the DataSet ) –Modified ( a DataRow object whose column values are changed in Dataset) –Unchanged ( a DataRow object that is not modified in the DataSet )

58 DataRowVersion It is an enumerator It has following values –Current (Active version) - It contains all changed and unchanged rows. –Original (It contains all data from database without any changes.) –Proposed ( It contains result of data from middle of an update. ) –Default ( Default values of a DataRow Column ) Right after loading the data into DataSet, the data will be kept as Current and Original version.

59 Updating Database with Data from DataSet The data from DataRow objects –that have RowState as Added, Modified or Deleted are updated to the database. –Before updating or deleting a database row, the original version of the corresponding DataRow’s data is matched with database data. –If there is a match, database operations will be carried out. –Otherwise, DBConcurrencyException will be thrown. When a row is being updated, it is locked. So the other users can’t access it. This kind of update procedure is called as Optimistic Concurrency with Save All Values Approach.

60 Object Model of DataAdapter Database DataSet InsertCommandDeleteCommandUpdateComandSelectCommand DataAdapter In SqlDataAdapter, the InsertCommand, DeleteCommand, UpdateCommand and SelectCommand properties are objects of SqlCommand. If the application needs only reading the data from the database, the DataAdapter can be used with initializing the SelectCommand alone.

61 Fill() Method of DataAdapter DataSet SelectCommand DataAdapter Database Fill() method of DataAdapter loads DataSet with data from database by executing SELECT command in DataAdapter DataAdapterObj.Fill( DataSetObj)

62 DataAdapterObj.Update ( DataSetObj) Database DataSet DeleteCommandUpdateComand DataAdapter InsertCommand Rows added to dataset are inserted into databaseDeleted rows in dataset are deleted in databaseRows modified in dataset are updated in database

63 Connection Handling in Fill() & Update() Opening the Connection –The Fill() & Update() methods invocation will open the connection automatically, before performing the operation, If the connection is not already opened. –If the connection is opened already, then the opened connection will be used. Closing the Connection –After fill()ing or update()ing the dataset, if the connection is automatically opened then the automatically opened connection will be closed. –If the connection is not automatically opened, then it won’t be closed automatically after the filling or updating the dataset.

64 Best Practice usage of Fill() & Update() Assume that all the necessary objects of Connection, DataAdapter and DataSet are created. The connection object is not Open()ed. If this scenario is followed by, –myDataAdapterobj1.Fill( myDataSet, “MyTable1”); –myDataAdapterobj2.Fill( myDataSet, “MyTable2”); –myDataAdapterobj3.Fill( myDataSet, “MyTable3”); This code opens & closes database connection for 3 times.

65 Best Practice usage of Fill() & Update() Opening database connection is one of the costliest database operation. Solution: When there is more than one Fill() invocation, –Open() the connection before invoking the Fill(). –And Close() the connection object after Fill()ing the DataSet.

66 Constructing DataAdapter Creating DataAdapter with Select, Update, Insert and Delete Command objects SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = mySelectCommandObj; myDataAdapter.UpdateCommand = myUpdateCommandObj; myDataAdapter.InsertCommand = myInsertCommandObj; myDataAdapter.DeleteCommand = myDeleteCommandObj; The CommandText property of update, insert and delete command objects should be parameterized queries. The Adapter can be created in the design time itself.

67 Constructing DataAdapter using Wizard

68 Typed DataSet Standard DataSet objects are inherently weakly typed. It is called as Un-typed dataset. The data points like DataTable and DataColumn are accessed as Collection like, dataSet11.Tables[0].Columns[0] ( or ) dataSet11.Tables["Authors"].Columns[“au_id”] The Typed DataSet helps to access the DataTable and DataColumns as dataSet11.Authors[0].Au_id The Typed DataSet can be created using GUI Wizard.

69 Appendix: OLE DB layers

70 Appendix: Oracle with OLE DB and ODBC layers

71 II Unit Plan Database manipulation using Disconnected Architecture Databinding DataView Transaction DBConcorrencyException ADO.NET and XML Connection Pooling

72 MyEmployee Table Column NameType Eidint EnameVarChar SalaryDecimal

73 Disconnected - Insert /* Create connection, DataAdapter and DataSet objects */ sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet11, ”MyEmployee”); DataTable myTable = dataSet11.Tables[“MyEmployee”]; DataRow Row = myTable.NewRow(); Row[“Eid”] = 123; Row[“Ename”] = “Sunil”; Row[“Salary”] = 40000; myTable.Rows.Add( row ); sqlDataAdapter1.Update( dataSet11, “MyEmployee”);

74 Disconnected – Print All Rows /* Create connection, DataAdapter and DataSet objects */ sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet11, :”MyEmployee”); DataTable myTable = dataSet11.Tables[“MyEmployee”]; for(int i=0; I < myTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow Row = myTable. Rows[i]; Console.WriteLine( Row[“Eid”] ); Console.WriteLine( Row{“Ename”] ); Console.WriteLine( Row[“Salary”] ); }

75 Disconnected – Update / Delete /* Create connection, DataAdapter and DataSet objects and Fill() the Adapter*/ DataTable myTable = dataSet11.Tables[“MyEmployee”]; for(int i=0; I < myTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = myTable. Rows[i]; /* Assign new value */ Row[“Eid”] = 123; Row[“Ename”] = “Sunil”; Row[“Salary”] = 40000; /* Or delete */ Row.Delete(); } sqlDataAdapter.Update( dataSet11, “MyEmployee”);

76 Data Binding Data binding is the process of binding the retrieved data to a control on a Windows Form to be displayed in a customized format. Data binding is of two types: –Simple Data Binding –Complex Data Binding Saves lot of coding effort.

77 Objects Involved in DataBinding Relationship between the BindingContext class, CurrencyManager class, and Windows Form A single data source can be used for binding more than one GUI control in a single Windows Form. DataBinding can be done to any property of the GUI control. Windows Form Control 1 Control 2 Control 3 BindingContext object CurrencyManager 1 CurrencyManager 2 CurrencyManager 3 DATA SOURCE 1 DATA SOURCE 2 DATA SOURCE 3

78 Simple Binding ControlObject.DataBindings.Add( “Property”, DataSource, “Data member” ); Binding TextBox with au_id column from DataSet textBox1.DataBindings.Add( "Text", myDataSet1.Tables[0], "Au_id"); Binding TextBox with string array called myData textBox1.DataBindings.Add( "Text", myData, ""); By default, the first record from data source is bound.

79 Simple Binding To bind, the other records, this.BindingContext[ DataSource ].Position = the position of the records Example –this.BindingContext[ myDataSet1.Tables[0] ].Position = 10; –this.BindingContext[ myData ].Position = 10;

80 Complex Binding Example with ComboBox comboBox1.DataSource = dataSet11.Tables[“Authors”]; comboBox1.DisplayMember = "au_fname"; comboBox1.ValueMember = "au_id";

81 Stored Procedure/Function Create the Command object for the stored Procedure SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( “Stored Procedure Name",ConnectionObj ); Set the CommandType property of Command object for stored procedure cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType. StoredProcedure;

82 Stored Procedure/Function Create the parameter objects and add them to the Parameters collection of Command object. cmd.Parameters.Add( “ParamName”, ParamType, ParamSize); Assign the value to the parameter cmd.Parameters[“ParamName”].value = MyValue; Assign the parameter direction cmd.Parameters[“ParamName”].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

83 Parameterized Query SQL queries can be used like stored procedure with a help of parameters. SQL queries with parameters are called Parameterized Query. Parameterized Query with SQL Provider –SELECT au_id from Authors WHERE au_fname = @Au_fname and au_lname= @au_lname –The parameters are passed to the query based on parameter’s name from the ParameterCollection Parameterized Query with OleDB or ODBC Provider –SELECT au_id from Authors WHERE au_fname = ? and au_lname= ? –The parameters are passed to the query based on the position of the parameters in the ParameterCollection

84 Behavior of Parameters with Update()ing DataSet The CommandText of the DataAdpater’s Command objects are parameterized queries. When Update()ing the DataSet for every changed row, the values of the column are taken and passed as the parameters to the respective Command object. The version of values passed as parameters can be controlled by setting SourceVersion Property of the parameter. After updating the changes in one DataRow to the Database, If the Parameter’s Direction is Output or InputOutput then that parameter’s value will be stored in the corresponding DataRow’s column.

85 Transaction Set of database commands are executed with ALL or NOTHING approach If any of a single command fails, roll back of all the executed commands from the set. The Methods of SqlTransaction are –Commit(); –Rollback(); –Save(string) to create save point It also has property called IsolationLevel.

86 Transaction 1.Open Connection 2.Start Transaction SqlTransaction myTrans = myCon.BeginTransaction(); 3. Assign Commands to the transaction myCommand1.Transaction = myTrans; myCommand2.Transaction = myTrans; try { // Execute all commands. Successful execution moves to the next instruction myTrans.Commit(); } catch {myTrans.Rollback(); } finally {// Close Connection }

87 Solution for DataSet update() concurrency problem sqlConnection1.Open(); SqlTransaction myTrans = sqlConnection1.BeginTransaction(); sqlDataAdapter2.UpdateCommand.Transaction = myTrans; sqlDataAdapter2.DeleteCommand.Transaction = myTrans; sqlDataAdapter2.InsertCommand.Transaction = myTrans; try { sqlDataAdapter2.Update( dataSet21 ); myTrans.Commit(); } catch(DBConcurrencyException exp) { myTrans.Rollback(); } finally {sqlConnection1.Close(); }

88 DataSet and XML DataSet to XML /* To write data in DataSet into a XML file */ myDataSet.WriteXml( “FilePath”); /* To write the schema of the data in DataSet into a Schema file */ myDataSet.WriteXmlSchema( “FilePath” ); XML to Empty DataSet /* To write data in XML file into a DataSet */ myDataSet.ReadXml( “FilePath”); /* To write the schema of the XML document into a DataSet */ myDataSet.ReadXmlSchema( “FilePath” );

89 System.Xml.XmlDataDocument Helps to work with a data in DataSet and XML Document at same time Any data modification in XmlDataDocument gets reflected in DataSet Any data modification in DataSet gets reflected in XmlDataDocument Data from Database or XML document XmlDataDocument DataSet Data Manipulation

90 Building XmlDataDocument using DataSet Every XmlDataDocument has an associated DataSet. It manipulates loaded data using DOM /* Creating XmlDataDocument */ XmlDataDocument myXmlDoc = new XmlDataDocument( myDataSet ); /* Creating XmlDataDocument */ XmlDataDocument myXmlDoc = new XmlDataDocument(); myXmlDoc.DataSet = myDataSet;

91 Building XmlDataDocument using XML data /* Step 1: Creating XmlDataDocument */ XmlDataDocument myXmlDoc = new XmlDataDocument(); /*Step 2: Load XML data Schema into associated DataSet */ myXmlDoc.DataSet. ReadXmlSchema( “FilePath”) ; /*Step 3: Load XML data into XmlDataDocument */ myXmlDoc. Load( “FilePath”) ;

92 Connection Pooling Connection Pooling provides already created connections. Instead of creating a connection whenever it is required, it can be taken from Connection Pool. Usage of Connection Pool results in better performance and scalability. Each Connection Pool is associated with a ConnectionString.. When a connection creation is initiated, –If the ConnectionString of both the requested connection and Connection Pool matches than connection is taken from the Connection Pool –If no match, Connection Pool is created.

93 Properties of Connection Pool The Properties of Connection Pool is supplied in the ConnectionString. Pooling = true; enables Connection Pooling. It’s default value is true. Min Pool Size = x ; defines the minimum number of connections that are created and maintained in the connection pool. It’s default value is 0. Max Pool Size = x ; defines the maximum number of connection object that can exist in the connection pool. It’s default value is 100.

94 Connection maintenance in Connection Pool If a connection is requested from a Connection Pool, –If one/few of the minimum number of connections is/are free, the available connection will be supplied from Connection Pool. –If all the minimum number of connections are under use and the Max Pool Size is not reached then a new connection is created in the Pool and supplied. –If the Max Pool Size is reached, the new connection request will be queued. The Connection object will be returned to the Connection Pool under following any of the reason. –Close() connection is called. –Dispose() connection is called. –Connection lifetime is expired.

95 Behaviors of Connection Pool The Open() and Close() methods behaves differently, if the connection is supplied by the Connection Pool. Calling Open() method of connection object retrieves connection from the Connection Pool Calling Close() method of connection object returns the connection back to connection Pool Connection Pool has connection object under Transaction context and Non-Transaction context. When a connection is required to participate in a transaction, it will be taken from Connection Pool’s Transaction Context.

96 96 Data Binding Single Value Data Binding –Involves binding server controls which can display single data at a time TextBox,Label etc DEMO Multi Record Data Binding –Involves binding server controls to structures,ArrayList,DataView,DataSet etc DropDownList,ListBox,DataGrid,Repeater etc DEMO

97 Thank You

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