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Java Physics Generator and Analysis Modules Mike Ronan LBNL (presented by Tony Johnson)

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Presentation on theme: "Java Physics Generator and Analysis Modules Mike Ronan LBNL (presented by Tony Johnson)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Java Physics Generator and Analysis Modules Mike Ronan LBNL (presented by Tony Johnson)

2 Goals Disparate groups working worldwide on Linear Collider physics studies have produced complementary tools using a variety of languages and methodologies From a physics perspective it is desirable to directly compare the results from these different tools A framework for accessing different modules in a uniform way has been developed, allowing one analysis module to be used with all tools –Methodology not specific to linear collider studies

3 Methodology Use Java for building framework: –Good OO language for rapid development of analysis algorithms –Use Java Native Interface (JNI) to call different language modules and retrieve results back into Java objects –Adapt each tool to use common java interfaces E.g. All generators create same HEPevt –Use existing Java analysis tools for data analysis JAS, JAIDA, etc. US Linear Collider physics tools (Java) –3,4 vector tools, jet finders, vertex finding, etc. –Provide access to Java based scripting languages jython, pnuts, dynamic java etc.

4 Event Generators Interfaced Pandora-Pythia V2.2 Monte Carlo using PanoraPythia interface package –C++ and Fortran 77 Pythia v6.2 Monte Carlo with Circe beamstrahlung simulation –Fortran 77 Whizard V1.22 Monte Carlo with ISR and Circe turned on –Fortran 95


6 Implementation Use Java native Interface (JNI) –For interfacing to generators only need to implement a few methods setParameter() setProcess() init() generateEvent() getEvent() – Access to HEPEvt, common to most generators finish() –Infrastructure can be reused with little change between generators –Use standard tools (gmake etc.) to file Other libraries (i.e. CERNLIB) can be statically linked file –Rarely needs to be rebuilt All interactive work can be done in Java

7 Usage Example Details of how to set up generator varies from generator to generator –All follow same basic pattern –All generate same set of Java objects representing generated particles

8 More about HEPEvt classes HEPEVT Common Block Java Object Model HEPEvt Particle ParticleType

9 Pandora, Pythia, Whizard Comparisons FMCParticle jet distributions –Number of “correctly” reconstructed jets –Angular distribution (Cosθ Max ) of jets –Jet finder final “ycut” –Direct reconstruction of Z and Higgs through hadronic decays. Good agreement between Pandora, Pythia and Whizard simulation

10 Simulation Packages LCD Fast Monte Carlo v1.4 (Java) –Charged particle momentum smearing based on detailed error estimates –Gaussian energy smearing for photons and neutral hadrons –Acceptance and energy threshold requirements –Perfect energy flow TESLA SimDet V4.0 (Fortran 77) –Parameterized charged and neutral energy smearing based on full (Brahms) Monte Carlo simulations –Acceptance requirements –A new energy flow algorithm JLC QuickSim V2.1 includes (C++) –Charged particle momentum and position smearing based on detailed error estimates –Simulation of individual calorimeter cell hits and cluster finding –Track-cluster association to separate charged and neutral clusters

11 Detector SimulationEvent Generators Interoperability Pythia Pandora Whizard Event Selection LCD FastMC TESLA SimDet JLC QuickSim Analysis Code Java Fortran C, C++

12 US FastMC, SimDet & QuickSim Detector Simulations Direct reconstruction of Z and Higgs through hadronic decays is shown for Higgstrahlung signal events only. Jet-jet mass distributions for US FastMC, TESLA SimDet and JLC QuickSim detector simulations are reconstructed for Whizard-MadGraph Monte Carlo events including ISR and Circe beamstrahlung effects. The LCD FastMC jet-jet mass resolution is significantly better since it assumes “perfect” energy flow. TESLA SimDet and JLC QuickSim detector simulations give comparable jet energy resolutions but different mean reconstructed jet- jet masses.

13 Whizzard: MadGraph Higgstrahlung Event Analysis

14 Conclusions and Future Hand coded JNI solutions works well for interfacing to event generators, simple simulation programs –Brings advantages of Java based analysis to Fortran and C,C++ code –Allows direct physics comparisons of disparate tools New tools are now available which will make this approach more scalable –JACE Integration with gcc-xml, or POOL dictionary? –Web/Grid services –LCIO – Common IO system for international linear collider studies see talk by Frank Gaede at this conference) All tools used in this study available from: –

15 Higgstrahlung

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