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Welcome Back!!! TDHS 2015-2016 School Year. Anyone do anything exciting?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!!! TDHS 2015-2016 School Year. Anyone do anything exciting?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!!! TDHS 2015-2016 School Year

2 Anyone do anything exciting?


4 Student Handbook Does it really matter? YES! Where do I find it? What is in it? EVERYTHING

5 Student Handbook Today we look at: 1.Emergency Situations (pg 8/9) 2.Timetable concerns 3.Attendance Procedures & Notes for absence (pg 17) 4.Dress Code (pg 24) 5.Smoking (pg 30) 6.Textbooks (pg 31)


7 Course Website

8 Course Website

9 Remind 101 All of my courses will be using Remind 101 for communication of important information. Those students without cell phones, I will have to set up later this week via the computer.

10 ACCOUNTING Send Text Message to: 226 – 400 – 1822 In the Message Type: @mrmeeche A message will be sent back to you Reply with your First and Last name

11 Marketing Send Text Message to: 226 – 400 – 1822 In the Message Type: @mrmeechem A message will be sent back to you Reply with your First and Last name

12 Math 3C Send Text Message to: 226 – 400 – 1822 In the Message Type: @mrmeech A message will be sent back to you Reply with your First and Last name

13 Math 3M Send Text Message to: 226 – 400 – 1822 In the Message Type: @mrmeec A message will be sent back to you Reply with your First and Last name

14 Test Run….loading

15 Lesson Goals Each day there will be lesson goal on the board that reflects what you as a student should be successful at by the end of the lesson. At the beginning of class you will: Write the date and lesson goal down At the end of class you will: Evaluate yourself on your abilities based on the lesson goal It will either be: Needs Improvement, Satisfactory, Good or Excellent

16 Classroom Expectations On the side board

17 Lets get this Semester Started!!!

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