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Election of 1960 Candidates Campaign Issues Role of the media The Election.

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1 Election of 1960 Candidates Campaign Issues Role of the media The Election

2 Richard Nixon Moderate Republican Nixon served on HUAC Vice President from 1953-1961 He was 47 years old and was seen as having a lot of experience with Foreign Policy and with communism

3 John F. Kennedy Moderate democrat who graduated from Harvard and came from a wealthy upbringing Was a hero in his service in the Pacific War House of Representatives 1947-1953 Senator 1953-1961 He was 43 years old and seen as inexperienced and Catholic

4 The Issues of 1960 Neither wanted to take a strong stance on Civil Rights Kennedy advocated for an Armed invasion of Cuba, Eisenhower’s administration disagreed Spread of Communism into Vietnam How to deal with the slight recession at the end of the 1950s

5 Role of Media in the debates Kennedy challenged Nixon to a series of debates Electronic Media- forms of communication transmitted electronically to the general public; primarily radio and television Viewers saw Nixon as old, worn, and tired They saw Kennedy tan, rested, warm, hansom, and humorous Radio listeners thought Nixon won and T.V. viewers thought Kennedy won

6 The Election The debates swung favor towards Kennedy 69 million people voted and the results were the closest in Presidential history Kennedy received 49.7% popular, 309 electoral Nixon received 49.5% popular, 219 electoral Kennedy wins by just over 100,000 votes


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