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9-1IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Chapter 9 Leadership. 9-2IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Learning Objectives  Define leadership  Understand the relationship between culture.

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Presentation on theme: "9-1IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Chapter 9 Leadership. 9-2IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Learning Objectives  Define leadership  Understand the relationship between culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 9-1IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Chapter 9 Leadership

2 9-2IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Learning Objectives  Define leadership  Understand the relationship between culture and leadership  Discuss the theory of leader legitimacy and a cross-cultural model of leadership

3 9-3IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Learning Objectives (cont.)  Describe typical leadership patterns in two cultures  Identify issues that affect women becoming leaders in various cultures  Consider ways that leadership is becoming more similar or different because of changes in organizations worldwide

4 9-4IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Leadership  The influential increment over and above mechanical compliance with routine directives of the organization

5 9-5IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Culture and Leadership  National Culture  Political Culture  Organizational Culture  Leadership, Culture, and Organizational Change

6 9-6IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Leadership Theories  Limitations of U.S. Theories  Theory X and Y  Ambivalent Leadership  Cultural Assumptions of Leaders about Workers

7 9-7IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Weber’s Theory of Leadership Social Bases of Leader Legitimacy  Traditional Authority  Rational Authority  Charismatic Authority

8 9-8IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Other Aspects of Leadership Legitimacy  Leadership and Ethics  Transformational Leadership  Leadership and Meaning  Contingency Approach to Cross-cultural Leadership

9 IBUS 681, Dr. Yang International Contingency Model of Leadership: Culturally Appropriate Path-Goal Leadership Styles Achievement- CountryDirectiveSupportive Participative Oriented Australia Brazil Canada France Germany Great Britain Hong Kong India Italy Philippines Sweden Taiwan United States XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9-9

10 9-10IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Leadership in Two Cultures  Overseas Chinese Leadership  French Administrative Leadership

11 9-11IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Women as Leaders  Japan  Poland  Tanzania

12 9-12IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Convergence or Divergence?  The spread of leadership styles of multinational and global organizations  Resistance of national cultures to new styles of leadership

13 9-13IBUS 681, Dr. Yang Implications for Managers  A better understanding of effective leadership is important since all managers perform leadership functions  Need to assess other cultures in order to understand what can be changed and what is immutable  Charismatic or transformational leadership styles are appropriate for organizational change efforts

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