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Michigan Purchasers Health Alliance Kellogg Company September 18, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan Purchasers Health Alliance Kellogg Company September 18, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan Purchasers Health Alliance Kellogg Company September 18, 2008

2 Strategy Programs Coaching ROI Agenda

3 Benefit strategy Competitive position Actual (salaried) 95 Goal 100 Cost Actual (4 year CAGR) Active health – 3.0% Benefit trend – 3.5% Goal Active health – 0% Benefit trend - @ inflation Employee Health Actual (2007) 65% low risk (+2 from 06) Goal 70%-80% low risk Productivity Actual 17% report medical issues Goal 10% report medical issues Employee Satisfaction Actual 67% satisfied Goal 70% satisfied (56% norm)


5 Feeling Great Screening/Health Assessment Weight Loss Challenge Holiday Hold Out Weight Watchers at Work Go The Distance Flu Shots Coaching Incentives Rec Leagues Corporate Cup Health


7 Overall Program Comparison 2006

8 Return on Investment The model used to calculate the ROI is based of research conducted by the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO). HERO determined the cost of a particular risk using a large database of individuals tracked over 3 years. Risks have been adjusted for medical inflation. The total benefit per resolved risk is calculated by multiplying the inflation adjusted HERO risk costs by the actual number of risks resolved. An ROI is generated by comparing the total program costs with the benefit savings.

9 Outcomes – Lifestyle Management

10 Outcomes – Disease Management

11 Kellogg Overall Program Comparison

12 Questions?

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