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European Foundation for Quality Management By Silvia, Anya and Kenneth.

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Presentation on theme: "European Foundation for Quality Management By Silvia, Anya and Kenneth."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Foundation for Quality Management By Silvia, Anya and Kenneth

2 Overview of Presentation Brief history of EFQM Fundamental Concepts of Excellence The Excellence Model Critique of the Excellence Model

3 History of EFQM EFQM is a not for profit organisation. It was formally established in 1988 in Brussels by 14 CEO’s. The Foundation was to support the management of European companies as well as stimulate and assist all segments of the European community. (Hakes, 2007) (EFQM, 2012)

4 Fundamental Concepts of Excellence

5 EFQM Excellence Model The model is a sequence of continuous improvement measures that uses a ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ and involves the whole organisational management system

6 Benefits of Using the Model Framework can be applied to any organisation, regardless of size (EFQM, 2015) Effective framework to help organisations develop measurable visions, help to understand cause and effect relationships. (Dutt, et al., 2012) Can be used as a diagnostic tool to assess the current health of an organisation (Dutt, et al., 2012) Studies show strong correlation between employee satisfaction and implementation of the EFQM. (Matthies- Baraibar et al. 2015)

7 Critique of the Model The model is not strategic since firms determine their strategic goals and issues, then use the model to deploy lower level hierarchical goals and action plans (Leonard and McAdam – 2002a 2002b) The model, when employed to formally apply for a quality award, may become static and lack a continuous improvement and learning philosophy. The model leads to improvements in operational results but not total business results. (Balbastre-Benavent & Canet-Giner, 2011)

8 Summary EFQM is a successful Foundation which has helped many organisations. The Fundamental Concepts of Excellence uses management theory to help achieve sustainable success. The Excellence model uses Continuous Improvement to Improve all aspects of management systems. Whilst there are some critiques, the model has helped many organisations such as TNT, Renault and BMW.

9 Thank You for Watching

10 References Dutt, M, Biswas, D, Arora, P, & Kar, N 2012, 'Using the EFQM Model Effectively', Journal For Quality & Participation, 35, 1, pp. 11-17, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 September 2015 EFQM. 2012. EFQM Model. [ONLINE] Available at: model/what-is-excellence. [Accessed 28 September 15]. model/what-is-excellence Hakes, C., 2007. The EFQM Excellence Model For Assessing Organizational Performance - A Management Guide. First ed. s.l.:Van Haren Publishing, Zaltbommel. Balbastre-Benavent, F. & Canet-Giner, M. T., 2011. The strategy formation process in the EFQM Excellence Model: a critical review and new perspectives. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(7), pp. 727-742. Rusjan, B., 2005. Usefulness of the EFQM excellence model: Theoretical explanation of some conceptual and methodological issues. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 16(3), pp. 363-380. Matthies-Baraibar, C, Arcelay-Salazar, A, Cantero-González, D, Colina-Alonso, A, García-Urbaneja, M, González-Llinares, R, Letona-Aranburu, J, Martínez-Carazo, C, Mateos-del Pino, M, Nuño-Solinís, R, Olaetxea-Urizar, E, de la Rica-Giménez, J, Rodríguez-González, M, & Dabouza-Acebal, S 2014, 'Is organizational progress in the EFQM model related to employee satisfaction?', BMC Health Services Research, 14, 1, pp. 468-477, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 September 2015.

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