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Major Art Modality Utilized: Visual Art, Artistic Language Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Visual/Spatial Lesson Abstract: Students will create a class.

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1 Major Art Modality Utilized: Visual Art, Artistic Language Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Visual/Spatial Lesson Abstract: Students will create a class food collage demonstrating choices based on MyPyramid or the new MyPlate food guide sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture. Materials Needed: Food Guide Pyramid, paper plates, magazines, scissors, glue markers, construction paper Procedures The teacher will display and discuss the 5 food groups from : fruits, vegetables, grain, protein, dairy. The teacher will write the names of an assortment of foods on pieces of paper offering a broad assortment. Students will choose a food out of the hat, draw a picture of it, and paint The teacher will supply 5 boxes. Students will be chosen to label each of the boxes with a food group. When the paintings are dry, students will place them in the appropriate box. Students will assess the appropriate placement of the foods within these boxes. The teacher will display the website on an overhead projector or pre-made posters may be displayed with information found on the website. Students will read and discuss these. A small group of students will be chosen to create a bulletin board size version of the MyPlate graphic. Students will choose food from the boxes to put onto the class collage. Students will create an acrostic using their name. They will complete the acrostic using vocabulary words used while working on MyPLate. These may be displayed around the class collage. Standards Addressed in this Lesson: HE2.7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Elements: a. Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health. HE2.8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. Elements: a. Make requests to promote health and wellness. VA2MC.1 Engages in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas. a. Generates visual images in response to open-ended prompts, themes, and narratives Standards Addressed in this Lesson: HE2.7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Elements: a. Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health. HE2.8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. Elements: a. Make requests to promote health and wellness. VA2MC.1 Engages in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas. a. Generates visual images in response to open-ended prompts, themes, and narratives SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Nutrition Painting Collage- Health and Visual Art and Artistic Language-2 nd Grade SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Nutrition Painting Collage- Health and Visual Art and Artistic Language-2 nd Grade Page 1 of 2

2 Standards Addressed in this Lesson (continued): VA2PR.2 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes of two dimensional art processes (drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed-media) using tools and materials in a safe and appropriate manner to develop skills. g. Develops craft techniques (e.g., collage, stitchery, weaving). VA2AR.2 Uses a variety of approaches to understand and critique works of art. c. Compares and contrasts artworks based on subject, theme, and/or elements. Standards Addressed in this Lesson (continued): VA2PR.2 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes of two dimensional art processes (drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed-media) using tools and materials in a safe and appropriate manner to develop skills. g. Develops craft techniques (e.g., collage, stitchery, weaving). VA2AR.2 Uses a variety of approaches to understand and critique works of art. c. Compares and contrasts artworks based on subject, theme, and/or elements. Procedures continued: Students will display and critique their class collage. Assessment: Students should draw and paint at least one kind of food. Students should place their finished food in the proper section. Students should create a nutrition collage. Resources/ Links: BrainPOP video- USDA nutrition website- Graphics for image for MyPlate Website for using Myplate along with MyPyramid yPyramid.pdf yPyramid.pdf SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Nutrition Collage- Health and Visual Art-2nd Grade SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Nutrition Collage- Health and Visual Art-2nd Grade Page 2 of 2

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