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1 UNOS Update Stuart Sweet, MD Vice-President, OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors Region 10 September 10, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 UNOS Update Stuart Sweet, MD Vice-President, OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors Region 10 September 10, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UNOS Update Stuart Sweet, MD Vice-President, OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors Region 10 September 10, 2015

2 OPTN and UNOS Strategic Planning 2

3 2012 v. 2015 Goals 3

4 Feedback from Regional Surveys 4

5 Re-Balancing Resource Allocation 5 2015-2016 allocation of effort: Increase transplants 40% Provide equity30% Improve outcomes 15% Promote safety10% Promote efficiency5%

6 Committee Project Portfolio 6

7 Metrics and quality improvement 7

8 MPSC Outcomes workgroup 8

9 OPO evaluations 9

10 Member Quality Pilot 10

11 Real Life Lessons 11

12 OPTN/UNOS Finance Update 12

13 OPTN Revenue: Registrations 13

14  The OPTN contract is funded with OPTN registration fees and federal appropriations  2016 OPTN budget is $49,497,000. $44,876,000 in OPTN fees for operations $ 3,500,000 in federal appropriations for operations $ 1,121,000 to OPTN fees for reserves  2015 OPTN budget was $48,313,000. $43,623,000 in OPTN fees for operations $ 3,000,000 in federal appropriations for operations $ 1,690,000 in OPTN fees for reserves OPTN Funding 14

15  Combined OPTN and UNOS fees remain at $957.  OPTN fee increased $19, while UNOS fee declined $19.  $20 of each registration fee is dedicated to OPTN reserves.  $20 of each registration fee is dedicated to UNOS reserves. Fees 15

16 Projected Costs and Fees 16 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Expenditures$46,622,786$48,376,211$49,370,410$50,826,810 Funding HRSA Federal Appropriations$3,000,000$3,500,000$4,000,000$4,500,000 Reg Funding Carryover from FY 14 (IT fees)2,100,000500,00000 Projected Registrations54,50056,06656,72757,197 Calculated OPTN Base Fee$762$792$800$810 OPTN Base Fee$762$792$800$810 OPTN Reserve Fee$31$20 Total OPTN Fee$793$812$820$830

17 UNOS IT update 17

18 2015 IT Releases 18 1. Membership Screening for Kidney and Pancreas 2. Revise the Lung Allocation Score (LAS) 3. Pediatric Lung Other Specify Diagnosis 4. Require HLA C and DQB (First Increment) 5. Tiedi OMB Form Changes 6. Living Liver Donor Follow-up 7. Potential Derived Disease Transmission Reporting 8. Pediatric Liver – Remove ICU Requirements 9. Pediatric Liver – Revise Hepatoblastoma Requirements 10. Update HLA Equivalency Tables 11. Update HLA Equivalency Tables 12. Transnet Android National Deployment 13. Transnet Web OPO Functionality 14. Match Run Changes 15. HOPE ACT membership application (internal) 16. Comprehensive Histo Rewrite 17. Deceased Donor Updates 18. Transnet iPad (Beta release) 19. Infectious Disease 20. Transnet TxC Match/Receipt

19 2015 Board Project Plan Box Color Completed Underway non-BOD work Scheduled Text Color Projects Approved 2013 or prior Projects Approved 2014 Scheduled

20  iPad  User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – July 2015  Production release – Q4  Mobile Phones (iPhone6 & 6-Plus, corresponding Android phones )  Start Development – August 2015  UAT– Late 2015/early 2016  Production release – Q2 2016  Transplant Center Functionality  Completed requirement gathering  Start development– June 2015  Beta test (3 centers)– August 2015

21  Approved projects start prior to next Board meeting  No projects are ever older than 12 months Board Project Service Level Objective 21 Board Approval 50% of Projects Started 95% of Projects Started 90% of Projects Complete 100% of Projects Complete Time T=0T= 3 monthsT= 6 monthsT= 9 monthsT= 12 months

22 23 Projects 2 Delivered 3 in progress 18 in queue 18 older than 12 months 44+ Projects 29 delivered 2 in progress 13+ in queue 3 older than 12 months ? Projects 15+ delivered ? in progress ? in queue 0 older than 12 months IT Board Backlog by the End of… 2013 2016 20152014 35 Projects 7 Delivered 5 in progress 23 in queue 16 older than 12 months

23 23 UNOS Update Stuart Sweet, MD Vice-President, OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors Region 10 September 10, 2015

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