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Office of Juvenile Affairs December Board Meeting Financial Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Juvenile Affairs December Board Meeting Financial Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Juvenile Affairs December Board Meeting Financial Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2011

2 2 FY-12 Budget Projections As of November 30, 2011

3 3 FY-12 Budget to Actual for Payroll As of November 30, 2011 State Office also includes OJJDP, JABG, IT, Field Office, Carl Albert Interns and High Risk Transportation.

4 4 General Revolving Fund Status As of November 30, 2011 General Revolving Fund Budget to DateReceiptsVariance SSI and SSA 161,667 76,570(85,097) Income from Rent 3,000 3,294 294 School Lunch Program 211,899114,645(97,254) Inter-Agency Reimbursements 3,250-(3,250) Reimbursements-Non-Federal 22,083 14,036(8,047) Sales of Documents & Merchandise 5,000 5,554 554 Other Receipts 22,975 38,19015,215 Parental Responsibility-Child Support 93,493 123,43229,939 Total Revolving Funds 523,367 375,721(147,646)

5 5 Title XIX and Title IV-E Revenue As of November 30, 2011

6 6 Agency Special Funds As Of November 30, 2011 701 Trust Fund $476,490 702 Canteen Funds 17,683 703 Donation Funds 572 704 Victim Restitution Fund 23,835

7 7 Sole Source Contracts VendorDateCostRequestorDescription Pearson Assessment And Testing 07/25/2011$5,417.36Karen Evanson (COJISD) Psych Assessment Kits for D & E Civics First, Inc.09/30/2011$8,000.00Anna KellyLaw Enforcement Training for Trainers Best Access System11/16/2011$5,355.70Russell WilsonDoor Locks

8 8 Emergency Purchases One emergency purchase is an agenda item that will be discussed later.

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