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Happy Monday Pick up the handout at the front of the room and read about the “odd” Naciramen culture. Think: Does this sound a place you’d like to live???

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday Pick up the handout at the front of the room and read about the “odd” Naciramen culture. Think: Does this sound a place you’d like to live???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday Pick up the handout at the front of the room and read about the “odd” Naciramen culture. Think: Does this sound a place you’d like to live??? Take out your class notes

2 What is culture? What is culture and how can it change over time?

3 Culture Is: 1.All the features of a society’s way of life. Brainstorm…

4 Think… Which culture do you think is most diverse? Which do you think is least diverse? Why?

5 North Korea vs. America


7 Culture Is: 2.Learned and passed down from generation to generation. Think: Santa Claus

8 Culture Is: 3.Includes all of a society’s shared values, beliefs, institutions, and technologies. Think: US Flag, Freedom of Speech

9 Culture: 4.Gives roles to individuals and establishes relationships within groups in a society. Think: School relationships

10 Cultural Traits Activities and behaviors that people repeatedly practice. They can vary Think: eating US: fork, knife, spoon China: chopsticks Malaysia: fingers/hands

11 Culture Traits, cont. Change through time Think: clothing styles in the USA from colonial period to today

12 How do cultures change? Assimilation Innovation Diffusion Acculturation

13 Assimilation 1.When one culture group adapts to the attitudes, belief systems and ways of life of another culture. Usually, a weaker culture is absorbed by a more dominant culture Think: Native Americans

14 Innovation 2. New ideas that are accepted into a culture. Think: Horse v. cars, etc.

15 Diffusion 3. The spreading of culture; an innovation or cultural trait of one place is adopted by another culture. The spread can be gradual. Think: Hip Hop or Rap Music

16 Think… What causes cultural diffusion? Does cultural diffusion threaten cultural diversity? Music Clips

17 Acculturation 4. When one culture changes a great deal through its meeting with another culture. Usually a two-way process in which each culture changes the other. Think: USA fast food and the growth of ethnic foods.

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