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The Safe Foodhandler ServSafe. Situations that Lead to Contaminating Food Have a foodborne illness Have wounds that contain a pathogen Contact with person.

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Presentation on theme: "The Safe Foodhandler ServSafe. Situations that Lead to Contaminating Food Have a foodborne illness Have wounds that contain a pathogen Contact with person."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Safe Foodhandler ServSafe

2 Situations that Lead to Contaminating Food Have a foodborne illness Have wounds that contain a pathogen Contact with person who is ill Touch any contaminated item, and do not wash hands Have diarrhea, vomiting, or jaundice

3 Crazy Facts! You can infect someone BEFORE you show symptoms of the illness. Some people are CARRIERS. ◦They carry the pathogen, but never get sick. Staphylococcus aureus is carried in the nose of 30-50 % of healthy adults and 20-35% carry it on their skin.

4 Actions that Contaminate Food Scratching the scalp Running fingers through the hair Wiping or touching the nose Rubbing an ear Touching a pimp or an infected wound Wearing a dirty uniform Coughing or sneezing into the hand Spitting in the operation

5 Good Personal Hygiene Program Hand practices ◦Handwashing ◦Hand care ◦Glove use ◦Bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat food Personal cleanliness Clothing

6 Managing a Personal Hygiene Program Create personal hygiene products Train and retrain food handlers Model correct behavior Supervise food safety practices Revising policies when laws change

7 How to wash hands Wet hands and arms Apply soap Scrub hand and arms vigorously Rinse hands and arms thoroughly Dry hands and arms

8 When to wash hands After ◦Using the restroom ◦Handling raw food (before and after) ◦Touching the hair, face, or body ◦Sneezing, coughing, or using a tissue ◦Eating, drinking, smoking or chewing gum or tobacco ◦Handling chemicals ◦Taking out garbage ◦Clearing tables ◦Touching clothes or aprons ◦Handling money

9 Hand Antiseptics Use only AFTER hand washing and never in place of.

10 Hand Care Fingernail length ◦Short and clean False fingernails ◦Do not wear Nail polish ◦Do not wear Hand wounds ◦Wear bandages and gloves

11 Single Use Gloves Buying Gloves ◦Disposable gloves ◦Multiple sizes ◦Latex alternatives

12 When to Change Gloves As soon as they become soiled or torn Before beginning a different task At least every 4 hours After handling raw food Before touching ready-to-eat food

13 Work Attire Hair restraints ◦Hat or hair net ◦Beard restraint Clean clothing ◦Wear clean clothes daily ◦Change at work if possible Aprons ◦Remove when leaving prep area Jewelry ◦Remove before work

14 Other policies Do NOT eat, drink, smoke, chew gum or tobacco at these times: ◦When prepping or serving food ◦When working in prep areas ◦When cleaning utensils and equipment

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