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SEVEN WONDERS OF SARATOV. Saratov is an amazing center for tourist attraction.

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2 Saratov is an amazing center for tourist attraction

3 7 attractive places of Saratov 1.Troitsky Cathedral 2.The Cosmonauts Embankment 3.City Park 4.Conservatoire of Music named after L.Sobinov 5.Saratov State Art Museum named after A. Radishchev 6.The Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after N. Tchernyshevsky 7.Victory Park

4 A magnificent oak- wood with natural ponds is a favourite leisure spot among citizens. The park history started in 1812. The park takes pride in living squirrels, swans and century-old oaktrees.

5 In 1900-1902 a building for musical classes was built from a design by the architect A. Yagn. In 1912 it was reconstructed by the architect S. Kaiistratov in pseudo Gothic style for the conservatoire. Saratov conservatoire was opened in 1913. It was the first Russian provincial conservatoire of music.

6 Our thanks to 1.Прогулки по Саратову,Саратов:Изд-во «Слово», 2006г. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7 Thank you for your attention!

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