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MARKETING YOUR 4-H CLUB Developed by: Texas 4-H & Youth Development Strengthening Clubs Initiative Team.

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Presentation on theme: "MARKETING YOUR 4-H CLUB Developed by: Texas 4-H & Youth Development Strengthening Clubs Initiative Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARKETING YOUR 4-H CLUB Developed by: Texas 4-H & Youth Development Strengthening Clubs Initiative Team

2 Information and Resources used for the development of this presentation come from: 4-H Military Partnerships 4-H 101: The Basics of Starting a 4-H Club All information should be presented in its entirety with credit given to the above mentioned resource.

3 Marketing to Youth Youth pay more attention to digital marketing than traditional forms of marketing. Use technology that youth use such as PodCasts, Facebook and YouTube. Advertisements can be produced at minimal cost and posted to YouTube, while PodCasts can be made available on websites. Sites such as Facebook can be used to create virtual groups and clubs for dissemination of information. All of these marketing techniques can be developed and managed by teen technology clubs. Youth today get information from the digital world. When marketing to young people, especially teens, remember:

4 Guide to Creating Your 4-H Marketing Plan 1.What experiences can 4-H provide to your age group that they would see as a benefit? 2.What are some special events and activities that 4-H is involved with that appeal to your audience? 3.What are some strategies you could use to let your audience know about 4-H and your club?

5 Your Club’s Marketing Strategy List three (3) things your club will do to attract members. How will this be accomplished? How will we welcome any new members? Who will be responsible?

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