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Native Americans 1. Most lived in small groups and shared responsibilities in decision making. 2. They believed spirits caused rain, fire, the seasons,

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans 1. Most lived in small groups and shared responsibilities in decision making. 2. They believed spirits caused rain, fire, the seasons,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans 1. Most lived in small groups and shared responsibilities in decision making. 2. They believed spirits caused rain, fire, the seasons, and controlled rivers. These spirits walked the Earth and talked to people. 3. They believed plants, animals, and humans used to speak the same language. 4. Most spoke different languages, some were warlike and some peaceful.

2 Hunters and Gatherers –Most Indians were hunters and gatherers. They moved with the animals for a steady source of food. This is a nomadic lifestyle. –They hunted deer, small animals and most importantly the buffalo. They gathered berries and nuts.

3 Hunters and Gatherers –They used the buffalo skins for teepees (shelters the Indians used that could be moved very quickly). –In times of danger these small clans could be completely moved in 20 minutes.

4 The Karankawas, Tonkawas, and Coahuiltecan are examples of hunters and gatherers.

5 Apaches, Comanche, and Kiowas –These Indian groups thrived on hunting and fighting. They were more aggression groups who were territorial. –They relied heavily on the buffalo. –They put up a fierce fight to Europeans.


7 Farming –Major farmers were the Caddos and Jumanos. The Jumanos were also big traders who tattooed stripes on their face to mark them as peaceful. –They were not nomadic since farms provided a steady source of food.


9 Europeans Arrive –Europeans came looking to get rich or to convert Indians to Christianity. –They brought with them horses which the Indians used to make better hunters and fighters. –Europeans diseases wiped out most of the Indians and they were forced to reservations in Oklahoma.

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