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Look at this picture. Write three complete sentences that answer the following questions: What do you see? Who are these people? Where are they? You ONLY.

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Presentation on theme: "Look at this picture. Write three complete sentences that answer the following questions: What do you see? Who are these people? Where are they? You ONLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Look at this picture. Write three complete sentences that answer the following questions: What do you see? Who are these people? Where are they? You ONLY have five minutes to complete this DO NOW! Use your time wisely.

2  How did cows end up in the United States?  What happened to the native peoples living in the Americas?  Why is most of Latin America Catholic today? Try to answer one of these questions using the source on your table.



5  The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of goods, disease, and ideas between Europe and the Americas. Why do you think this trade is called the “Columbian Exchange?

6 Which question does this answer? How did cows end up in the United States?

7  European traders transported foods from the Americas to Europe, and from Europe to the Americas. This changed the diet of people throughout the world.  Examples of foods from the Americas: potatoes, beans, maize, squash, tomatoes, and chocolate  Examples of foods from Europe, Asia, and Africa: domesticated animals, sugar, and wheat. From Europe, Asia, and Africa From the Americas

8 Why were these important food crops missing in these areas before 1492?

9 SMALLPOX VIRUS AZTEC DRAWINGS OF SMALLPOX VICTIMS. Which question does this answer? What happened to the native peoples living in the Americas?

10  Diseases, like smallpox, measles, and flu, were brought from Europe to Native Americans in the Americas.  Since the Native people had never been exposed to the diseases, their bodies were not able to fight them off, and thousands died. Historians think Smallpox killed 90% of the native populations of the Americas. Europeans were not affected by the diseases because their bodies had developed anti-bodies to them.


12  What was one of the most important effects of Europeans exploration in the Americas via the Columbian Exchange, in relation to the Native Americans?  How did the diseases brought by European explorers affect Native Americans?  Why did Europeans not die from the Smallpox outbreaks like the Native Americans did?

13 Spanish invaders were required to read a document called “The Requirement” out loud to the natives before moving onto their territory. “The Requirement” outlined the Christian worldview and informed the Indians that the Pope had given Spain control over Latin America? The Indians were told that if they converted and accepted Spanish rule, they’d be treated fairly – but if they refused, they’d be killed. Which question does this answer? Why is most of Latin America Catholic today?

14  European explorers often forced Native Americans to convert to Christianity.  Europeans thought they were saving the Native Americans.  If Native Americans refused to convert to Christianity, they were killed.  Some missionaries campaigned to stop the torture of native people.

15  What was spread to the Americas besides disease and goods?  How was Christianity spread to the Americas?

16  The French explored the St Lawrence River, Great Lakes, and the Mississippi River.  The French set up trading posts in these areas.

17  Where did the French explore?  What did they do there?

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