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2011 Safety Excellence Award Training Finalist Preparation Houston Business Roundtable Presented by: Russell Klinegardner.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Safety Excellence Award Training Finalist Preparation Houston Business Roundtable Presented by: Russell Klinegardner."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Safety Excellence Award Training Finalist Preparation Houston Business Roundtable Presented by: Russell Klinegardner

2 Finalist Preparation  Scheduling the Audit  What is done to start an Audit at a location?  What does the Audit team need?  Format of the Audit  Closing Conference  Other Points

3 Scheduling the Audit  Send your Audit Team Leader three dates.  Establish a time.  Pick an Audit Location.  End of the Month, Last ones Audited ALWAYS WINS- MYTH.

4 What is done to start an audit at a location?  Names of Auditors  Authorization into the Facility (Security Clearance and Orientation)

5 What is done to start an audit at a location?  Set a time “When” to meet. X  Establish a Location on “Where” to meet.  Provide a safe means of Transportation.

6 What does the Audit Team need?

7 The Audit Team Needs: Directions  Map to the Facility  Good Directions (Easy to Follow)  Where to Park

8 The Audit Team Needs: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  Let the Auditors know what PPE is required for the site being audited.  Have additional site specific PPE. (Ex. Escape Respirators, H2S Monitors, Phosgene Badges, Etc..)

9 The Audit Team Needs: A Meeting Room  Temperature controlled  Restroom Facilities  Comfortable Setting  Employees readily available

10 The Audit Team Needs: Refreshments  Breakfast foods  Snacks  Drinks  Lunch (if necessary)

11 What does the Audit Team NOT need?

12 Situations not to Expose your Auditors to:  Respirator Areas  Lockout/Tagout  Confined Space  Hazardous Areas

13 Allow the Auditors time to talk with the Employees.

14 Let the Employees know what the Auditors will be doing. “Recognize them for their safety excellence performance”

15 Format of the Audit  Documentation Review  Be organized  Follow the format of the audit  Provide supporting data  Company representative readily available  Field Review  Various crews / work activities  Several employees  Transportation

16 Closing Conference  Allow the Audit Team time to meet once the Audit has been completed to gather their notes for the final scoring.  Audit team will then meet with the Company Representatives and discuss the Audit findings. ( Highlight the positives and address any opportunities to improve)  Allocate 30 - 45 minutes

17 Other Points  Managements commitment  Customer support  Brief presentation addressing your company highlights and achievements. (10-15 minutes)

18 2011 Safety Excellence Award Training Finalist Preparation Houston Business Roundtable

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