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W HAT Y OU W ANT Setting Personal and Career Goals Concept: Discovering things about yourself can lead to personal success and satisfaction. Unit Essential.

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Presentation on theme: "W HAT Y OU W ANT Setting Personal and Career Goals Concept: Discovering things about yourself can lead to personal success and satisfaction. Unit Essential."— Presentation transcript:

1 W HAT Y OU W ANT Setting Personal and Career Goals Concept: Discovering things about yourself can lead to personal success and satisfaction. Unit Essential Question How do I set and achieve realistic goals?

2 E SSENTIAL V OCABULARY Goals Short-term goal Long-term goal Personal goal Professional goal Failure Perseverance Success Trade-off

3 Many teens need be taught to dream for themselves. If they are not, they are apt to accept goals placed upon them by adults and miss the joy of seeing personal dreams fulfilled.

4 W HY SHOULD I SET GOALS ? A GOAL is: 1. Successful people set goals from their dreams and then work to achieve them. 2. Goals help you to “Begin with the End in Mind”. 3. Achieving goals gives you a sense of accomplishment. 4. Goals give you a gauge to measure success. 5. Goals improve work ethic.

5 G OALS CAN BE Short-term Getting on the honor roll. Running a 5K. Doing good deeds. Getting in shape. Finishing holiday shopping. Cleaning your room. Writing thank you notes. Long-term Acceptance into college. Getting a driver’s license. Captain of a sports team. Becoming a doctor. Becoming a parent. Owning a Jaguar. Passing AP exams.

6 G OALS CAN BE … Personal  Earning and saving money.  Buying your own car.  Volunteering.  Getting in shape.  Reading a book.  Cleaning your room.  Writing thank you notes.  Getting a driver’s license.  Being a good friend. Professional  Exploring several careers.  Job Shadowing.  Graduating High School.  Acceptance into college.  Earning an internship.  Professional connections.  Entering medical school.  Becoming a doctor.  Helping to cure cancer.

7 S ETTING P ERSONAL G OALS Example - Saving to buy a car.  Researching reliable cars and prices.  Create a timeline. When will you need (or want to) buy the car?  Find a job to earn money.  Create a saving plan based on your timeline and your earning potential.  Research extra costs- insurance, gas, maintenance.

8 S ETTING P ROFESSIONAL G OALS Example- Choosing a Career  Learn the job requirements.  Learn the training you’ll need.  Evaluate yourself. Do you have the needed skills and aptitudes?  Do you have the grades you need to advance to further training?  Determine where you have to start and the steps needed to reach your dream job.  Look at other related careers as stepping stones or options you hadn’t considered.

9 Y OU CAN SET GOALS IN MANY AREAS OF YOUR LIFE. H ERE ARE JUST A FEW … Educational Spiritual Physical Social Sports Dating Family Friends Hobbies Career

10 What do you dream about? If life were perfect, what would you like to accomplish in these areas?  Educational  Physical  Social  Sports  Family  Friends  Hobbies  Career

11 H OW DO I SET REALISTIC GOALS ? You’re not going to become the vice president of a company right out of high school, or even college. You have to work toward your goals. Evaluate your skills and aptitudes. Set a timeline. Consider the trade-offs. Determine your exact goal. Dream BIG, but… The best goals are written as I WILL statements.

12 H OW DO I SET REALISTIC GOALS ? Consider the Trade-offs…. Trade-off You choose to date someone, you give up being single. You choose to get a dog, you give up the freedom to stay out all day. You choose to join the swim team, you give up joining the basketball team. You choose to get a job, you give up free time.


14 C AREER T HOUGHTS B EGIN WITH THE E ND IN M IND - B EGINNING WITH WHERE YOU ARE TODAY, LIST THE STEPS NECESSARY TO LAND YOUR DREAM JOB. Dream Job: Steps to achieve that job: Evaluate your skills and aptitudes. Set a timeline. Consider the trade-offs. Determine your exact goal.

15 N OW THAT MY GOAL IS SET, HOW CAN I ACHIEVE IT ? Determine if your goal is realistic.Write it down and place it somewhere that you’ll see it. Tell at least one person who will support you if times get tough. Break large goals into smaller, manageable steps.Determine how much time / energy you will commit.Create a detailed timeline.Reward yourself for achieving each step in the process.Ask for help if you hit roadblocks.

16 W ITH YOUR DREAM JOB IN MIND, COMPLETE THE G OALS P YRAMID. Determine if your goal is realistic.Write it down and place it somewhere that you’ll see it.Tell at least one person who will support you if times get tough.Break large goals into smaller, manageable steps.Determine how much time / energy you will commit.Create a detailed timeline.Reward yourself for achieving each step in the process.Ask for help if you hit roadblocks.

17 D ETERMINE IF YOUR GOAL IS REALISTIC ? 1.Skills & Aptitudes Needed? 2.What’s the Basic Timeline ? 3.What are the Trade-Offs? 4.Where will you keep your written copy of your goal? 5.Who will you tell about your goal? 6.How can you break the goal into smaller pieces? 7.What are the steps to reaching your goal? 8.How much time/energy will this take? 9.What is your detailed timeline? 10.How will you reward yourself for each of the smaller steps listed in number 4? 11.Who will you ask for help if you run into trouble?

18 W HAT IF I DON ’ T MEET MY GOALS ?  Realize that real failure only comes when you quit.  Think through the goal you set. Try to see it from other angles (paradigm shift).  If needed, ask for help or advice from others.  Determine why you didn’t achieve it.  Break the goal into achievable steps.  Have a positive attitude and decide to persevere.  Change your goal or timeframe if necessary.  Failure-  Perseverance-  Paradigm-  Success –


20 What Are Your Goals? Handout

21 L ESSON E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS Setting Personal and Career Goals 100 Words Each  How can I set realistic goals?  How can I achieve my goals?

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