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Home Page Colors - Good Monochromatic Color Scheme. About us

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Presentation on theme: "Home Page Colors - Good Monochromatic Color Scheme. About us"— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Page Colors - Good Monochromatic Color Scheme. About us
Project Web My Personal Site Monochromatic Color Scheme.

2 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!
Web Design The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!

3 Web Design Topics Background Page Colors Layouts Color Schemes Fonts

4 My home Page Home Page Colors -Ugly
Stay away from base colors like red. They are hard to read!

5 Home Page Colors –More Uglier
Never, never use black as a base.

6 Home Page Colors - Bad Using soft a soft color palette for background color. Using different colored fonts ie: yellow Using fonts in general.

7 Home Page Colors - Good Stick to white/light colored backgrounds.
About us Project Web My Personal Site Stick to white/light colored backgrounds. Use color for titles and toolbars. Try using a color wheel for a decorators touch

8 Home Page Colors - Good Monochromatic Color Scheme. About us
Project Web My Personal Site Monochromatic Color Scheme.

9 Home Page Colors - Good Contrasting Color Scheme. About us Project Web
My Personal Site Contrasting Color Scheme.

10 Font Usage – Ugly to Bad Do not mix different colors in sentences!
Do not mix fonts in a sentence. Do Not make Fonts to small. (10 pt)

11 Font Usage - Good Use a different font for heading and paragraphs.
Acceptable Paragraph type sizes are: Example of 14pt Example of 16 pt

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