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Status of the SuperB Project A major new European particle physics project Fergus Wilson, RAL/STFC On behalf of the SuperB Project Beauty 2011, April 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the SuperB Project A major new European particle physics project Fergus Wilson, RAL/STFC On behalf of the SuperB Project Beauty 2011, April 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the SuperB Project A major new European particle physics project Fergus Wilson, RAL/STFC On behalf of the SuperB Project Beauty 2011, April 8 th 2011

2 Outline  Unique Selling Points (USPs)  Snapshot of SuperB Physics  Project Site  Accelerator Design Overview  Detector Design Overview  Project Funding (€€€€€)  Preliminary Schedule  Conclusion and Outlook 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL2

3 Unique Selling Points (USPs)  New European Accelerator Facility to be sited in Italy, ready by 2016 o At Υ(4S), 6.7 GeV positrons on 4.18 GeV electrons, 1.3 km circumference  High Luminosity (100 x current records) o ≥ 10 36 cm -2 s -1 15 ab -1 /year rising to 40 ab -1 /year in later years o 1 ab -1 => 1 billion B-meson pairs and 1 billion tau pairs o 75 ab -1 by 2022  Polarization o 60%-85% polarization of electron beam o Improves physics reach by factor of 2 in some regions (e.g. LFV)  ψ (3770) to ϒ (5S) and beyond o Can scan a large energy range. o Switching from low-energy to high-energy running very quick (no more than a few weeks if magnets need to be swopped).  Charm Threshold Running o 2 months running equivalent to 100 x CLEO-c dataset.  Light Source o 30 x brighter than ESRF or Diamond Light Source.  Computing o On the scale of a non-upgraded LHC experiment. 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL3

4 SuperB Physics Goals – Executive Summary  Physics capabilities published in arXiv:1008.1541.arXiv:1008.1541  Identify the flavour structure of New Physics.  Different New Physics models predict a different hierarchy of results => multiple measurements needed.  Sensitive to New Physics through flavour properties; CP Violation asymmetries in B and D decays; and rare decays.  Probe New Physics scales up to 10-100 TeV through indirect measurements.  Tests both the quark and lepton sectors.  Golden Channels (good SM prediction + good experimental resolution) e.g. inclusive b →sγ, B→Kυυ, B→τυ, τ→μυυ  Interplay with Lattice QCD predictions. 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL4

5 Physics - What will the CKM look like in 2022? 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL5

6 Physics - The Golden Matrix  Each mode is a golden signature of New Physics.  Overlap with LHC 8th April 2011 6Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL L=Large,M=Measurable deviation from SM tan β=60 tan β=5 Sensitive region (>3 σ)

7 Physics – LHC and SuperB interplay 8th April 2011 Blue = LHC: Can measure m(A) [CP odd Higgs mass] Insensitivity to tanβ [ratio of Higgs vevs] Poor sensitivity to A [coupling] Red=LHC+EW/Low-energy (includes SuperB): Can build on the m(A) measurement to measure tanβ. Current analysis of data prefers tanβ ~10. 7Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL

8 Physics – Charged Higgs (2HDM and MSSM) 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL8 SuperB excludes B-Factories exclude MSSM2HDM-II B →sγ / LEP excludes ATLAS 30fb -1  Higgs-mediated Minimal Flavour Violation  Multi-TeV search capability for large tanβ.  Includes SM uncertainty ~20% from V ub and f B.  B 0 →l + l - and B 0 →l - τ + also sensitive to non-SM Higgs

9 Physics - Lepton Flavour Violation ModelBF( τ→μγ) mSUGRA+seesaw10 -7 SUSY+SO(10)10 -8 SM+seesaw, Z’10 -9 SUSY+Higgs10 -10 SM + υ mixing10 -40 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL9  Many models predict LFV at the level that can be detected at SuperB  LFV also sensitive to other observable such as μ->eγ (MEG),θ 13 (T2K) and B s mixing phase (LHCb)  Polarization doubles sensitivity (not included in numbers below) Example: SU(5) SUSY GUT Theory Predictions: SuperB: Over 50 τ decays can be measured (not to mention spectral functions, second class currents etc...)

10 Physics - Charm and Charm CPV  CPV in SM very small => CPV indicates New Physics  Measure strong phases 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL10 xDxD yDyD

11 Benefits of Polarized Electron Beam 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL11 1) LFV: Doubles Precision 1) LFV: Doubles Precision 2) τ EDM, τ g-2: Measurement could prove or disprove discrepancy in Δα μ due to New Physics. EDM sensitivity ~ 2 x 10 -19 e cm  Δα τ (SM) ~ 10 -6  Δα τ (SUSY) <~ 10 -5  Δα τ (SuperB) precision~ 10 -6 2) τ EDM, τ g-2: Measurement could prove or disprove discrepancy in Δα μ due to New Physics. EDM sensitivity ~ 2 x 10 -19 e cm  Δα τ (SM) ~ 10 -6  Δα τ (SUSY) <~ 10 -5  Δα τ (SuperB) precision~ 10 -6 3) Electroweak: Investigate LEP A FB v. SLD A LR discrepancy. Investigate NuTev discrepancy. Constrain Higgs mass Sin 2 θ w resolution ±0.00018 3) Electroweak: Investigate LEP A FB v. SLD A LR discrepancy. Investigate NuTev discrepancy. Constrain Higgs mass Sin 2 θ w resolution ±0.00018 SuperB NuTev X

12 San Vito dei Normanni, Brindisi Tor Vergata Not up to date Site Decision 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL12 Frascati A number of options – decision by May 2011

13 Machine Parameters are stable 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL13 Tau/charm threshold running Flexibility built in Moderate power < 20MW No single critical element Piwinski angle and crab-waist crossing test at Da Φ ne arXiv:1009.6178

14 Detector Design [arXiv:1007.4241]arXiv:1007.4241 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL14 Double Vertex resolution Backward EMC Logging rate: 1.9 Gbytes/sec Logging rate: 1.9 Gbytes/sec Optimized IFR (muons) TOF Forward PID Cluster counting in drift chamber (improves dE/dx) Reuses much of BaBar e.g. CsI crystals Improved hermiticity SuperB baseline SuperB with options

15 SuperB – Funding and Developments  SuperB approved through primary law by Italian parliament, December 14 th /15 th 2010.  Parliament also approved INFN “Piano Triennale” 2010-2012 funding profile which includes SuperB.  SuperB is a “Progetti Bandiera” national flagship project. 8% of national research budget allocated to flagship projects.  19M€ in 2010, 50M€ per year thereafter until EOY 2015. SuperB is the only project receiving multi-year funding so far.  ~120M$ in-kind contribution from US through use of PEP-II machine components and BaBar detector.  50M€ allocated for Tier 2 Grid computing centres in Southern Italy.  ~100M€ via Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) for beam-lines.  Only ~25M€ needed from international collaborators for detector  Conclusion: solid funding in an uncertain financial world. 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL15

16 Conclusion and Outlook  August 2010: Physics, Accelerator, Detector reports published.  SuperB has been approved by the Italian Government, December 2010, as a “Flagship” project.  A unique opportunity for Europe and International Collaboration.  The necessary funding is in place.  First beams in 2016. 15 ab -1 /year rising to 40 ab -1 /year.  Site selection to be announced May 2011.  Present participation in preparation by Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK, US.  Collaboration is still growing. Working towards TDR. Opportunities in detector, accelerator, computing and physics.  First formal meeting Elba, May 28 th 2011 with Italian Science Minister (hopefully).  Spokesperson: 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL16

17 INFN Triennal plan (2010-2012) 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL17 Construction Operation

18 Preliminary Schedule 8th April 2011 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL18

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