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By: Jenna-Renee Bullock and Kelsie Gibson

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1 By: Jenna-Renee Bullock and Kelsie Gibson
Is endangered species legislation effective strategy for conserving bio diversity? By: Jenna-Renee Bullock and Kelsie Gibson

2 Fun facts The Endangered Species Act (ESA) provides a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitats in which they are found. The ESA is responsible for protecting: Endangered Species - species that are likely to become extinct throughout all or a large portion of their range. Threatened Species - species that are likely to become endangered in the near future. Critical habitat - vital to the survival of endangered or threatened species. Act established in 1973

3 Endangered Species Legislation
The law requires federal agencies, in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the NOAA Fisheries Service, to ensure that actions they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any listed species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat of such species The law also prohibits any action that causes a "taking" of any listed species of endangered fish or wildlife. Likewise, import, export, interstate, and foreign commerce of listed species are all generally prohibited The lead federal agencies for implementing ESA are the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service

4 Two sides of the endangered species act

5 Pros 1. The Endangered Species Act is a successful and effective way of bringing species back in numbers. 2. This act makes individuals think and be concerned about endangered species. 3. Another advantage of this legislation is ideal preservation of the environment. This act has successfully changed past laws and now offers great emphasis on preservation of the ecosystem as a means of preventing extinction of particular species. 4. One of the Endangered Species Act pros is environmental enhancement. This act somehow eliminates the fear of seeing the planet unable to sustain and support human life. 5. This environmental act also promotes aesthetic value. This aids in preserving the great experience to see particular species roaming around their natural habitat. 6. Another benefit of this act is the active pursuit of preserving species by establishing regulations against capture and hunting.

6 Cons 1. The implementation of this act requires money and time so that the necessary protection will be extended to those who need it. 2. Larger amount of money is also spent in saving and replenishing rare species. 3. Long and short term economic benefits can interfere with the protection and preservation of species. Land use restrictions to protect animal and plant habitat can pose negative impacts on tourism and business which may also lead to loss of jobs for some. 4. Critics also say that this act is inflexible and extreme. 5. Even with the law, if it is not firmly enforced, changes and effects will still be present. If the one sitting in the chairs of politics do not keep a firm action regarding the Act, it will still be of no use

7 Other important actions that may be used to conserve biodiversity:
Protected Areas that are carefully chosen Market Tools Protection and early intervention Integrated into agriculture, fishery, and forest sectors Strong Institutions Informing society Addressing direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss

8 Endangered Species Red-Cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis)

9 Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

10 Miami Blue Butterfly (Cyclargus (=hemiargus) thomasi bethunebakeri)

11 Everglade Snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus)

12 …and a little video to summarize

13 "" Apecsecorg. N.p., 16 Mar. 2014. Web. 02 Mar. 2015.
Sources "" Apecsecorg. N.p., 16 Mar Web. 02 Mar "Biodiversity & Human Well-being." Scientific Facts on. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar "Endangered Species Act Pros and Cons - HRF." HRF. N.p., 27 Mar Web. 02 Mar "Endangered Species Act - National Wildlife Federation." Endangered Species Act - National Wildlife Federation. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb "EPA." Summary of the Endangered Species Act. N.p., 12 Nov Web. 28 Feb "Species Search." Endangered Species Program. N.p., 15 July Web. 01 Mar "The Endangered Species Act: 40 Years at the Forefront of Wildlife Conservation." YouTube. YouTube, 19 Sept Web. 02 Mar "The Two Sides of the Endangered Species Act." YouTube. YouTube, 12 June Web Mar

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