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ВУС 420100 Operation and maintenance of Armored Military Machines, ВУС 420200 Operation and maintenance of basic armored machines, ВУС 420300 Operation.

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Presentation on theme: "ВУС 420100 Operation and maintenance of Armored Military Machines, ВУС 420200 Operation and maintenance of basic armored machines, ВУС 420300 Operation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ВУС 420100 Operation and maintenance of Armored Military Machines, ВУС 420200 Operation and maintenance of basic armored machines, ВУС 420300 Operation and maintenance of electrical and special equipment and automatics of Armored Military Machines, ВУС 021000 Military application of motor-shooting subdivisions, parts and connections ВУС 021101 Military application of divisions, parts and connections of medium tanks. The Chair trains military specialists for armored, motor-shooting and airborne troops.

2 EDUCATION PROCESS Modern projecting and computer-based equipment in compliance with specialized stands, allow providing high-qualified education. Specialists training has four cycles: military tactics and special tactical training; fire and general military training; electrical and special equipment, automatics and armored equipment; equipment, operation and driving of fighting machines.

3 SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS The m ain tasks of military-scientific, research and rationalization activities are determined by the regulations of military chairs of the educational institutes. The results of this work can be viewed as the new technologies in education process, creation, computer education systems, methodic processing and their specialists training.

4 OUR GRADUATES Some of our graduates take leading positions in the defence area Colonel-general Puzanov Igor Evgenyevich Deputy Minister of Defence of RF

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