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Resistor-Capacitor (RC) Circuits

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Presentation on theme: "Resistor-Capacitor (RC) Circuits"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resistor-Capacitor (RC) Circuits
Build this circuit in Multisim. Look at the voltage across the capacitor on the oscilloscope. Describe what you see when the switch moves between positions (let the switch stay in each position until the capacitor voltage stops changing). EGR 101

2 Discharging a Capacitor Through a Resistor
In the following circuit, when the switch moves from the battery + to ground, the voltage across the capacitor is vc(t) = Vse-t/RC Vs vc - EGR 101

3 Questions What are the units of RC in vc(t) = Vse-t/RC ?
Since vc(t) = Vse-t/RC and , what is i(t) in terms of Vs, R and C? What do vc(t) and i(t) look like on a graph? EGR 101

4 Step Response: RC Time Constants
Now, what happens when the switch moves the other way? Vs The response of the capacitor voltage will be to charge up to the supply voltage. EGR 101

5 Vc Response to Constant Voltage Vs
The voltage across the capacitor will rise and asymptotically approach Vs How can we describe this mathematically? EGR 101

6 Analysis of RC Circuits
Vs vc Kirchhoff’s voltage loop law Ohm’s law across resistor Substituting for VR gives EGR 101

7 Analysis of RC Circuits
Vs vc From previous page Substitute in for i EGR 101

8 Analysis of RC Circuits
The equation is called a differential equation. The solution is of the form: where is defined as the time constant  = the circuit time constant, in seconds if and only if C = the total (connected) capacitance Farads R = the total (connected) resistance Ohms EGR 101

9 Team Activity Substitute into the equation to show that LHS = RHS
EGR 101

10 Team Activity Show that when t is 5 times the time constant, , the capacitor voltage is 99.33% of the peak voltage. EGR 101

11 Team Activity – Discharge Process
Kirchhoff’s voltage loop law ? Ohm’s law across resistor? Substituting for VR gives? EGR 101

12 Team Activity From previous activity the equation Substitute
into the above equation and show that LHS = RHS EGR 101

13 Rectangular Wave If you repeatedly switch between the battery and the short you are effectively applying a rectangular time pulse to the RC circuit. EGR 101 13

14 Rectangular Wave Response
The voltage across the capacitor will behave as below in response to such a wave: EGR 101 14

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