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For sports organizations. Why Twitter? The roar of the crowd is on Twitter All data in peak Tweets p/second 4,064 World CupSuperbowl UEFA Champions.

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Presentation on theme: "For sports organizations. Why Twitter? The roar of the crowd is on Twitter All data in peak Tweets p/second 4,064 World CupSuperbowl UEFA Champions."— Presentation transcript:

1 for sports organizations

2 Why Twitter?


4 The roar of the crowd is on Twitter All data in peak Tweets p/second 4,064 World CupSuperbowl UEFA Champions League MLB AllStar 2011 NBA Finals Game 6 Women’s World Cup Brazil v. Paraguay Copa America 3,283 6,303 4,995 5,531 7,196 7,166

5 The Twitter experience

6 #BestPractices#BestPractices

7 Write your own Tweets Best Practices

8 Share an insider perspective Best Practices

9 Live-tweet events Best Practices

10 Break news Best Practices

11 Give followers special access Best Practices

12 Share moments via photos Best Practices

13 @reply your followers and ask questions Best Practices

14 @mention peers and high-profile accounts Best Practices

15 RetweetRetweet by @ufc by @detroitpistons

16 Use #hashtags Best Practices Click on a #hashtag to see a timeline of tweets tagged with that topic

17 Be creative #JumpBall, #MyFirstGame Start a movement #VoteMorse, #Durant4MVP Adopt your fans’ rallying calls #FearTheBeard, #LetShannonDunk The art of the #hashtag Best Practices

18 When to Tweet During games, the offseason, practices, and special events During a related live event or shared experience When news that’s meaningful to you or your followers is happening Best Practices

19 Best practices make a difference Doubled followers in ~2 months Tripled followers in ~2 months @americanidol Best practices meeting

20 Example

21 Team spotlight: @SFGiants Example

22 Great use of #hashtags and exclusive pictures Fan appreciation Direct source of information Big moments Example Team spotlight: @SFGiants

23 Avoid the #blackout The @chargers were playing the @realpatriots on October 20th, 2010, but the game was due to be blacked out on television. So both teams sent the following Tweets: A few hours later, the tickets were gone and the blackout threat was ended. The Chargers got the tickets sold and fans got to see the game on TV. Use Case

24 How to publicize your account Keep in mind: your @username is your URL Example: @team = Show your @username and URL on your website Get a button at Use “Follow us on Twitter @username” on TV TV callouts drive follows and Tweets Emerging Best Practices

25 Make a Warm Sign Up list Encourage your fans to sign up and gain new followers. You’ll be able to customize the first list of suggested accounts they see. For more info: Show your @username inside your stadium or arena Your fans at the game with mobile devices will be able to follow you right away. #Hashtag polls Use different hashtags to ask fans to vote on their favorite play, a song to hear during a game or tie it into a contest or charitable event. Emerging Best Practices Draw in followers

26 Example Team spotlight: @Indians

27 Example Team spotlight: @Indians

28 Flock to unlock Encourage people to follow you or tweet with a specific #hashtag at the game and give them X percentage off of merchandise or tickets Run contests Reward your followers by giving them prizes for Trivia or pull out a call for pictures and reward the best one Host Tweet-ups Connect with your followers at real life meetings and build on their loyalty, ask what kind of material they’d like to see from your account Emerging Best Practices Rewarding followers

29 Takeaways Recap Write Tweets in your own style Provide an insider perspective Break news Live-Tweet Give followers special access Share moments via photos Use #hashtags Promote your @username Have fun

30 Follow @TwitterSports for the latest news, case studies and more!

31 #Appendix

32 1) Go to Fill in a name, email & password, click the sign-up button 2) Fill in the rest of the sign-up form Choose a username, a safe password and then click “create my account” How to get started

33 3) Follow relevant accounts They can be players on your team, other teams in your league, local sportswriters, celebrity fans, etc. You’ll be able to interact with their Tweets by retweeting them or @replying personally to the authors 4) Fill in your profile Upload a picture, write a short bio, and add a location to give your profile some personality How to get started

34 5) Write your first few Tweets Tweets will be delivered to the timelines of all your followers, which they’ll then be able to retweet and reply to, just as you can to the Tweets in your timeline How to get started

35 @ Replies and @ mentions A Tweet posted in reply to another user's message, usually posted by clicking the "reply" button next to their Tweet in your timeline. Always begins with @username. Read more: This Tweet is an @reply (username at the beginning of a Tweet), meaning only people who follow both @reds and @indysportsgirl will see it in their timelines. Everyone can see it when they go to the @reds’ profile page. Now this Tweet has an @mention (username in the middle of a Tweet), meaning everyone who follows @reds will see it in their timelines, even if they don’t follow @datdueBP. Glossary

36 Retweet A Tweet by another user, forwarded to you by someone you follow. The act of forwarding another user's Tweet to all of your followers. Read more: Twitter user retweeting the Tweet onto their followers Original author of the Tweet How a Retweet looks to someone following @reds: Glossary

37 # Hashtag The # symbol is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. Read more: It doesn’t matter if hashtags go at the beginning of a Tweet, everyone following you will still see it Getting creative with hashtags are a great way to help them gain traction Having a canonical hashtag that you can use to tag your tweets is good for helping people find your content via search Glossary

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