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Sequenza III for female voice study 1

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1 Sequenza III for female voice study 1
Luciano Berio Sequenza III for female voice study 1

2 What we will be covering
Berio the composer Cathy Berberian Italian Futurism Background to the Sequenzas Some score convertions Performance with score

3 Karlheinz Stockhausen
Luciano Berio Italian composer born 1927 Contemporary with died 2003 Pierre Boulez Karlheinz Stockhausen Mauricio Kagel György Ligeti Witold Lutosławski Elliott Carter

4 Many literary influences Many musical influences
Varied output Luciano Berio Prolific Highly individual Many vocal works Lyrical Many literary influences Many musical influences

5 American Mezzo Soprano
Cathy Berberian American Mezzo Soprano born 1925 died 1983 Married to Berio

6 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Italian Futurism Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

7 How is the order of the text to be interpreted?
give me for a woman a few words a truth allowing us to sing to build a house without worrying before night comes give me for a woman a few words a truth allowing us to sing to build a house without worrying before night comes

8 A cycle of works for solo instrument Written for specific performers
The Sequenzas Sequenza I for flute (1958) Sequenza II for harp (1963) Sequenza III for female voice (1965) Sequenza IV for piano (1966) Sequenza V for trombone (1965) Sequenza VI for viola (1967) Sequenza VII for oboe (1969) Sequenza VIII for violin (1976) Sequenza IXa for clarinet (1980) Sequenza IXb for alto saxophone (1981) Sequenza X for trumpet in C and piano resonance (1984) Sequenza XI for guitar ( ) Sequenza XII for bassoon (1995) Sequenza XIII for accordion (1995) Sequenza XIVa for violoncello (2002) A cycle of works for solo instrument Highly virtuosic Written for specific performers Extended technique

9 Trends in notation circa 1960s
Xenakis Pithoprakta

10 Penderecki De natura sonoris

11 Berio Circles Cardew Treatise page 75 Cradew Treatise page 183 Berio Circles

12 Luciano Berio Sequenza III for female voice

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