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Present interactively ― Your audience expects it! Ellen Finkelstein 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Present interactively ― Your audience expects it! Ellen Finkelstein 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present interactively ― Your audience expects it! Ellen Finkelstein #interactivepreso @EFinkelstein 1

2 If you can’t hear me Click the double-arrow icon at the upper right, in the webinar panel Expand the Audio section Click Audio Setup If necessary, choose the Use Telephone option to see a phone number you can use 2

3 People watched the newsNow people choose the news 3

4 People don’t want to just listen 4

5 They want to participate 5

6 6 Health coverage financing Individual rated: Premium is based on individual’s medical history Community rated: Premium is based on a regional group’s experience Experience rated: Premium is based on an organization’s experience Self-insured: Organization pays actual claims, plus administrative fee 6

7 Interact with the audience 7

8 Let the audience interact with each other 8

9 Don’t interact with the screen! nus/3823275570/ 9

10 Your audience is the point 10

11 Free market research! 11

12 12 The value of research

13 Above all, don’t be boring! 13

14 14 Create a feedback loop ListenSpeak

15 What will they say? 15

16 Tell me! 16

17 Create a menu-based presentation 1. Create a menu- based presentation 1. Create a menu- based presentation 2. Create quizzes 3. Use social media 17 Q: A:

18 Let the audience guide you 18

19 Create a menu-based presentation 19 Menu Slide 1 1 2 2 3 3 Topic 1 Slide 1 Topic 1 Slide 1 Topic 1 Slide 2 Topic 1 Slide 2 Topic 1 Slide 3 Topic 1 Slide 3 Topic 2 Slide 1 Topic 2 Slide 1 Topic 3 Slide 1 Topic 3 Slide 1 Topic 2 Slide 2 Topic 2 Slide 2 Topic 2 Slide 3 Topic 2 Slide 3 Topic 3 Slide 2 Topic 3 Slide 2 Topic 3 Slide 3 Topic 3 Slide 3 Back to menu

20 Create quizzes 20

21 What You Need to Know about Safety! Ajay Tool and Die Safety Quiz Instructions: Click the correct answer on each slide. If you choose the right answer, you’ll automatically go to the next slide. If not, try again! Start by clicking the Next button now.

22 Ajay Tool and Die What You Need to Know about Safety! What is the first thing you should do when you are injured at work? Get the first aid kit Report it to your supervisor Go home

23 What You Need to Know about Safety! Ajay Tool and Die That’s right! Click anywhere to try the next question.

24 What You Need to Know about Safety! Ajay Tool and Die Sorry, try again. Click anywhere to try the question again.

25 Ajay Tool and Die What You Need to Know about Safety! What should you do with your machine when you leave for lunch or a break? Turn it off Tell the nearest worker that you’re leaving Just leave

26 What You Need to Know about Safety! Ajay Tool and Die That’s right! Click anywhere to try the next question.

27 What You Need to Know about Safety! Ajay Tool and Die Sorry, try again. Click anywhere to try the question again.

28 Simple quiz instructions 1.Create question slide with multiple choice answers on buttons. 2.Next slide is positive feedback slide. 3.Next slide is negative feedback slide. 4.Hyperlink right answer’s button to positive feedback slide. 5.Hyperlink wrong answers’ buttons to negative feedback

29 Simple quiz (cont’d) 6.On feedback slides, cover entire slide with an invisible rectangle. 7.On negative feedback slide, hyperlink the rectangle back to the question so viewer has to answer the question again. 8.On positive feedback slide, hyperlink the rectangle to the next question. 9.Repeat for each question.

30 Use social media 30

31 Incorporate the back channel 31 Open Back Channel picture from Guardian Activate09 source

32 32 ? Shangri-La Hotel Understand your employee benefits

33 33 For more information on PowerPoint How to Do Everything with PowerPoint 2003, 2007 101 Advanced Techniques Every PowerPoint User Should Know PowerPoint for Teachers: Dynamic Presentations and Interactive Classroom Projects 33

34 34 Special offers Download the handout, with detailed instructions and links to further resources Download this presentation, which includes a working menu Get a free white paper, “From Death by PowerPoint to Life by PowerPoint” plus free tips Get 15% off my e-book, 101 Tips Every PowerPoint User Should Know 34

35 35 Go forth and interact!

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