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How to Choose a Nursing Home. Choosing a Nursing Home Understand the needs of the future resident. Visit nursing homes. Check for quality information.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Choose a Nursing Home. Choosing a Nursing Home Understand the needs of the future resident. Visit nursing homes. Check for quality information."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Choose a Nursing Home

2 Choosing a Nursing Home Understand the needs of the future resident. Visit nursing homes. Check for quality information at the federal website:

3 Needs of the future resident Special services needed Dementia/alzheimer units. Mental health Physical therapy/Occupational therapy Social activities Privacy requirements

4 Visit the nursing home(s) Consider the location. Note the posting of the most recent inspection survey. Use the checklist we’ve provided during your tour and ask questions. Community involvement/reputation Talk with staff and residents Visit at different hours – mealtimes, early morning, afternoon.

5 Nursing Home Checklist Highlights Observe and chat with staff and residents Are activities held so all residents can participate Are residents dressed appropriate for the time of day Does the facility seem clean, fresh and comfortable On first impression, would you feel comfortable having your loved one live here

6 Quality Information You can access the recent inspection survey results, as well as services provided, for any nursing home at Hospital quality information is also available at

7 The Choice is Yours This will be a subjective decision, made by using two beneficial tools – the checklist and the quality information from inspection results (nursing home compare). While considering all the information you will gather on your facility visit, the final question that will need to be answered is: “Would you feel comfortable having your loved one live here and would they be enriched?”

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