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Computer Science and Engineering Geoffrey M. Voelker Assistant Professor Jacobs School Staff Retreat Fall 2003 Jacobs School Staff Retreat Fall 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science and Engineering Geoffrey M. Voelker Assistant Professor Jacobs School Staff Retreat Fall 2003 Jacobs School Staff Retreat Fall 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science and Engineering Geoffrey M. Voelker Assistant Professor Jacobs School Staff Retreat Fall 2003 Jacobs School Staff Retreat Fall 2003

2 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat2 Talk Overview l Goal: Overview of the CSE department u What are they doing over there in AP&M, anyway? Overview of the CSE department l Highlight CSE education (w/ some video) l Highlight CSE research (w/ some animations) l Q & A

3 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat3 CSE Overview CSE is a large part of the Jacobs School and UCSD l 1200 undergraduate students u 28% JSOE, 6% UCSD l 300 graduate students u 28% JSOE, 9% UCSD l 46 faculty u 28% JSOE, ~4% UCSD l All supported by 17 admin staff and 6 tech staff u This talk is dedicated to them…I don’t know how they do it all!

4 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat4 Education Goals Computer Science and Engineering Education 1. Exceptionally strong and rigorous curriculum 2. Outstanding teaching and research faculty 3. Rich extracurricular environment Combine to prepares students for l Leadership in a competitive high-tech job market l Advanced study in graduate school

5 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat5 Curriculum CSE offers a broad and deep curriculum l Founded on practical and theoretical basics… l Leading to advanced topics and multidisciplinary areas u Networking, systems, AI, architecture, theory, etc. u High-performance computing, bioinformatics, computer vision, graphics, cognitive science, e-commerce, etc. l Four degrees u BA/CS, BS/CS, BS/CE, BS/CS in Bioinformatics »New, nationally innovative u 5-year BS/MS program for advanced study l Advanced capstone courses for senior undergraduates

6 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat6 Computer Graphics Rendering l Fundamentals of rendering computer graphic images (taught by Henrik Wann Jensen) l Final projects compete in rendering contest Cyrus Jam Josh Wills Craig Donner Arash Keshmirian

7 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat7 Software System Design and Implementation l The design and implementation of a large, complex software system (taught by Geoff Voelker) u One project for the entire quarter u High-performance, real-time, distributed application u Work in large groups (6 students) l Multiplayer games are ideal projects for this course!

8 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat8 Faculty CSE classes taught by an outstanding faculty l Large and diverse u 46 and growing! l Distinguished u IEEE fellows, ACM fellows, Packard fellows, NSF young investigators, etc. l Fundamental research u With direct impact on society (more later!) l Excellence in teaching u e.g., Pasquale was awarded Distinguished Teach Award

9 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat9 Opportunities CSE has many opportunities outside the classroom l Lab and teaching assistanceships u Undergrads assist in many of our courses u Great way to learn, interact closely with faculty l Research opportunities u Projects with graduate students and faculty u Key opportunity of a research university u CSE, San Diego Supercomputer Center, California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Cal(IT) 2 ), Center for Wireless Communications, etc.

10 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat10 Programming Contest l Programming contests foster community among students l Local UCSD contests u Sponsored by the Dini Group, a local company u Prizes for top students l ACM Collegiate Programming Contests u 1 st -3 rd place in SoCal region u In World Finals past 4 years

11 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat11 CSE Research at UCSD l Fundamental research u In all classic areas of computer science u With particular specialties »Bioinformatics, networking, high-performance computing, etc. u Theoretical and applied, often both l Research that impacts the world we live in l Will highlight research by a few CSE faculty u Recall that we have 46 faculty u No time to cover all of the exciting research going on… u And keep in mind that this is work that we do with our graduate students!

12 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat12 Internet Routing George Varghese l Internet is a vast network glued together using routers l Every packet you send traverses Internet routers u Routers look at your packets and decide where to send them l Problem: millions of users, billions of billions of packets u Routers need to be efficient and fast l George has invented numerous algorithms for routers u Used by all major router companies (Cisco, Juniper, etc.) l Every time use you use the Web, George’s algorithms direct your packets

13 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat13 Secure Internet E-Commerce Mihir Bellare l Cryptography is the science of secure protocol design u Authentication (are you who you say you are?) u Encryption (how do I protect my data?) l Mihir develops cryptographic algorithms that are u Highly secure u Efficient to implement and use in practice l SSL, the standard security protocol for the Web, uses cryptographic algorithms Mihir developed l Every time you purchase something on the Web, Mihir’s algorithms are protecting your purchase

14 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat14 Realistic Image Synthesis l Create images that appear realistic u Entertainment: Movies, games, etc. u Physical models: Fire, smoke, clouds, marble, liquids u Architecture: Visualize before building l New technique for modeling light and its interaction with materials u Photon mapping u Now standard technique in state-of- the-art rendering packages Henrik Wann Jensen

15 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat15 Internet DoS and Worms Stefan Savage, Geoff Voelker l Malicious behavior on the Internet u Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks and Internet Worms l You have probably heard of these events u CodeRed, Slammer, Blaster, SoBig, etc. u Or even experienced them yourself! l It is even a challenge measuring these events globally u Much less preventing or mitigating them l First to measure global Internet DoS and Worm Internet activity u Working on methods for mitigating their impact on the Internet

16 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat16 CSE is Changing l CSE has undergone, and is undergoing, a lot of change u When I started in 2000, there were just 29 faculty l This has been a source of excitement and achievement u CSE has improved US News ranking every year past 5 years l And we’re continuing to grow and change l Visit us soon in the new building! u Located in other engineering

17 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat17 Thanks! Questions? l These are the folks who keep CSE running Plus Patricia Bladh and Viera Kair!

18 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat18

19 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat19 Curriculum l Advanced courses u Computer graphics rendering u Moving in winter 2005 u System design using games u Mobile computing l State-of-the-art computing resources u Instructional labs donated by Sun, Microsoft, Intel, Micron, etc. u Wireless for laptops and PDAs u Supercomputers at SDSC (gigabits, teraflops, and petabytes)

20 December 6, 2015Jacobs School Staff Retreat20 Internships l Strong connections with industry u Both local and national companies »Microsoft, Sun, HP, IBM, Qualcomm, Ericsson, Sony, etc. u Many students do internships/coops for credit u Apply academic knowledge in real world settings

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