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Global Design Effort 会議報告 Cost Management Group Meeting at DESY 2008.05.05 – 08 設楽 哲夫 LC GDE 報告会 2008.05.12

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Presentation on theme: "Global Design Effort 会議報告 Cost Management Group Meeting at DESY 2008.05.05 – 08 設楽 哲夫 LC GDE 報告会 2008.05.12"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Design Effort 会議報告 Cost Management Group Meeting at DESY 2008.05.05 – 08 設楽 哲夫 LC GDE 報告会 2008.05.12 Password Protected

2 Global Design Effort Challenges & Issues RDR – 1年を経過 – 過去の遺産か? – 日に日に忘れられて行く – 緊急課題 : VALUE estimate と RDR design document との traceability 2012 までのプログラムの遅れ –Accelerator physics design の役割は? RDR は今でも十分か ? –Limited resources: DR, BDS, sources significantly reduced But management still in place and on-board How best to use this group? Keep motivation?

3 Global Design Effort Challenges & Issues In a predominantly R&D phase, who is worrying about the collider design? –Despite above comments, AP&D is still critical during TD Phase I Cost Containment / Reduction –Need to demonstrate clear effort to re-evaluate the design and reduce the cost –“Minimal” 200-500 GeV Collider Concept Strategic planning –Updated (new!) value estimate will be critically reviewed Internally in 2010 Publically in 2012

4 Global Design Effort Cost Management Group Small focus group to “manage the costs” Take top-level ownership Forward planning to critical cost review –Philosophy / Structure / implementation –Update review 2010 (internal) –New value estimate 2012 (external) Push-back on the design (cost awareness)

5 Global Design Effort Cost Management Group “Task Force-like” (prefer think-tank) Goals –Re-structure and consolidate existing cost information for “better access” New tool –Examine the cost data for inconsistencies, discrepancies, questionable entries, missing information –Re-establish traceability with RDR design requirements (together TAG leaders) Or identify missing information that needs to be supplied –Prepare for cost-reduction design scenarios Coordination with TAG leaders / technical groups essentially –Primarily via PM, APM, PMO

6 Global Design Effort Cost Management Group メンバー PMs: M. Ross, N. Walker, A. Yamamoto Cost Engineers: W. Bialowons, P. Garbincius, T. Shidara APMs: J. Carwardine, F. Lehner PMO: E. Elsen, E. Paterson Others: T. Himel, +++

7 Global Design Effort Defining our (CMG) Goals review: start here

8 Global Design Effort Elements: VALIDITY What documentation will we require for a critical cost review? How do we intend to present it?

9 Global Design Effort Elements: TRACEABILITY Critical link between design and cost- estimate documentation Understanding the formal link between the two: Maintaining integrity Role of change control (  Toge) Initial configuration (consolidating RDR)

10 Global Design Effort Elements: COMPLETENESS Definition of (i.e. level of detail) must be defined up-front Use RDR value estimate as a guideline (e.g. 1% level) Build ‘ideal’ CBS structure (based on above) Understand how current information maps to ideal structure Where is information missing What to do with too-detailed information

11 Global Design Effort Elements: RISK Maintaining a risk register Understanding (quantifying) value uncertainty Formally integrating methodology into scheme (tools)

12 Global Design Effort Cost Reduction “First step to containing / reducing cost is to keep good track of the existing ones” – anon.

13 Global Design Effort CMG responsibilities Define new documentation organisation for TD phase –ILC-EDMS design documentation Part Breakdown Structure = PBS –VALUE estimate (tool?) Cost Breakdown Structure = CBS Consolidate RDR data –Existing data into newly defined structures –Identify missing components Catalogue and prioritise Begin (continue) drill-down RDR data –Design modification catalogue Define minimum 200-500 GeV machine? –Can coordinate but TAG leaders must clearly be involved

14 Global Design Effort Goals for this meeting Attempt to address all questions raised on previous slides –Identify lead person(s) for identified critical items Understand what we as a group can accomplish directly, and where we need to delegate –Generate action item lists for TAG leaders (or others) –Generate action items for us! Make plans (i.e. identify deliverables) for –Dubna (June) –ILC08 (November)

15 Global Design Effort CMG meeting schedule

16 Global Design Effort CMG meeting schedule

17 Global Design Effort Monday 05 May 2008 09:00->12:00 Monday Morning 09:00 Introduction (1h00') Nicholas Walker (DESY) 10:00 RDR Cost Estimate website walk-through (1h00') Peter Garbincius (FNAL) 11:00 Cost Management discussions (1h00') 12:00 Lunch 13:30->17:00 Monday Afternoon 14:00 Process Cooling Water Cost Reduction Strategies (1h30') Wilhelm Bialowons (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) 15:30 Main Linac Cooling Water (1h00') Marc Ross

18 Global Design Effort Tuesday 06 May 2008 09:00->12:00 Tuesday Morning (Convener:Ewan Paterson) 09:00 Positron Source Cost Estimate drill-down Peter Garbincius (FNAL) 10:30 Positron Source design options (1h30') Ewan Paterson (SLAC) 12:00 Lunch 13:30->17:00 Tuesday Afternoon (Convener:J. Carwardine) 13:30 Requirements Traceability (1h00') John Carwardine (Argonne / ILC GDE) 14:30 Cost Analysis with spreadsheets (1h00') Thomas Himel (SLAC) 15:30 High Level RF cost estimate drill-down (1h00') Tetsuo Shidara (KEK)

19 Global Design Effort Wednesday 07 May 2008 09:00->12:30 Wednesday Morning 09:00 Mid-week summary, task assignment N. Walker (DESY) 09:30 Staging, accelerator design (1h00') Ewan Paterson (SLAC) 10:30 Cost considerations for one vs two tunnelsThomas Himel 11:30 USTOS cost comparisons (30') Thomas Himel (SLAC) 12:00 Tesla cost comparisons (30') Nicholas Walker (DESY) 12:00 Lunch 13:30->19:00 Wednesday Afternoon 13:30 Underground Space: tunnels, shafts, caverns P. Garbincius 15:00 Cost Management consulting (1h00') Marc Ross (FNAL) 16:00 Magnets & Power Supplies cost estimate drill-down (1h00') John Carwardine (Argonne / ILC GDE) 17:00 Magnets & Power Supplies cost reduction options (1h00') Paul Bellomo (SLAC),Cherrill Spencer (SLAC)

20 Global Design Effort Thursday 08 May 2008 09:00->11:00 Thursday Morning 09:00 Summary and wrap-up (15') Nicholas Walker (DESY) 10:00 Follow-up discussion with Lars Hagge on EDMS (1h00') Carwardine, Garbincius, Himel, Shidara

21 Global Design Effort Output of this Meeting Close-out summary of key issues, including: –Identify critical action items –Deliverables & dates –Decisions ! –Remaining (outstanding) issues Written summary report –For publication (to organisation) –Basis for presentation to EC

22 Global Design Effort

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