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DNA Extraction Lab Fantastic Facts About DNA Fantastic Facts About DNA.

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1 DNA Extraction Lab Fantastic Facts About DNA Fantastic Facts About DNA

2 The Human Genome  In the nucleus of every somatic cell in our bodies,we have a full set of 46 chromosomes.  All of that DNA is folded and packed into a nucleus that has a diameter of 0.005 mm  In the same way computer binary code (0’s and 1’s) is made of bits of information, DNA has bits of information composed of pairs of nitrogen bases. A’s link with T’s and C’s with G’s. Each base pair is one bit of information in the DNA code. The DNA in one nucleus consists of 6 billion base pairs!!  In the nucleus of every somatic cell in our bodies,we have a full set of 46 chromosomes.  All of that DNA is folded and packed into a nucleus that has a diameter of 0.005 mm  In the same way computer binary code (0’s and 1’s) is made of bits of information, DNA has bits of information composed of pairs of nitrogen bases. A’s link with T’s and C’s with G’s. Each base pair is one bit of information in the DNA code. The DNA in one nucleus consists of 6 billion base pairs!!

3 Going Further!  If we straightened out all the DNA from all 46 chromosomes in one cell and laid them in a straight line end to end, they would reach a length of 2 meters.  A typical adult human is composed of 60 trillion cells. (60,000,000,000,000)  The distance from the earth to the moon is 380,000 km.  If we laid every strand of DNA from every cell end to end, calculate how many times it would reach to the moon and back.  If we straightened out all the DNA from all 46 chromosomes in one cell and laid them in a straight line end to end, they would reach a length of 2 meters.  A typical adult human is composed of 60 trillion cells. (60,000,000,000,000)  The distance from the earth to the moon is 380,000 km.  If we laid every strand of DNA from every cell end to end, calculate how many times it would reach to the moon and back. You may want to use scientific notation in figuring this out. You may want to use scientific notation in figuring this out. Show all work to get extra credit.

4 The Solution  First, determine the total length of all the DNA She has about 60 trillion cells! Each cell has 46 chomosomes. Unraveled and laid end to end in a straight line they would stretch 2 meters. Every pair of nucleotides is one bit of information. In the 46 chromosomes there are 6 billion bits of information.

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