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Perspectives on Social Networks. Social Networks and LU-T Questions to answer: Why are we reading Granovetter in a land use- transportation class? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives on Social Networks. Social Networks and LU-T Questions to answer: Why are we reading Granovetter in a land use- transportation class? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspectives on Social Networks

2 Social Networks and LU-T Questions to answer: Why are we reading Granovetter in a land use- transportation class? What do we mean by social networks and why are they important? What do we hypothesize the role of social networks in transportation?

3 Role of transportation? Transportation is one of the links that ties individuals to their social networks and activities. Accordingly, a lack of transportation contributes to isolation, and constrains access to and use of needed goods and services. Is this true? In what circumstances?

4 Dimensions of Social Networks Subsistence Maintenance Discretionary Activity Type Implications By population group And/Or By geography

5 Subsistence Implications for -transportation -land use planning What is the role of the work commute? What is the role of accessibility?


7 Robert Putnam, “Bowling Alone”

8 Discretionary Putnam’s thesis: We have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors, and our democratic structures.

9 Discretionary Putnam’s “Bowling Alone” Sets out to ask 4 questions: 1.What has been happening to civic engagement and social connectedness over the past three decades? 2.Why has this happened? 3.So what? What are the consequences of a decline in social capital? 4.What can we do about it?

10 Putnam’s Bowling Alone Rank State Score 1.North Dakota1.712 2.South Dakota1.693 3.Vermont1.424 4.Minnesota1.325 5.Montana1.296 6.Nebraska1.157 7.Iowa0.988 8.New Hampshire0.779 9.Wyoming0.6710 10.Washington0.6511 11.Wisconsin0.5912 12.Oregon0.57

11 Discretionary Implications? –For geography? –For travel? –For other?

12 Maintenance Type of store? Loyalty? Frequency?

13 Maintenance Lower income? Elders? Poor health, disability?

14 Maintenance Case study: HI-LAKE area –Who is the population? –What are the opportunities available? –Are the opportunities being used? Why or why not?

15 Trends, Hypotheses, Implications (Thoughts and Reactions?) Dimension Relevance to Geography (transportation) Higher Lower S D M

16 Perspectives on Social Networks Other examples?

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