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Date: March*23*2012 Period:8th. Job Name & Description  Family and general practitioners are often the first doctors that people go to when they first.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: March*23*2012 Period:8th. Job Name & Description  Family and general practitioners are often the first doctors that people go to when they first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: March*23*2012 Period:8th

2 Job Name & Description  Family and general practitioners are often the first doctors that people go to when they first get sick.  These doctors treat common problems. They also send the patients to other doctors called Specialists.

3 Education & Other Requirements  In order, to be an doctor you have to go to college for four years, four years of medical school, and three years working in an hospital. You may have to work in the hospital for eight before fully trained.  I believe you just got pass an test. Of course you will have to meet the standard to be accepted.  It will take you at least eleven years, but if your not ready 25 years at the most.

4 Salary / Earnings  I will get about meanly wage which about one hundred a month. Also it depends how much you been to work and how do you stand in training.

5 Why you have chosen this career? 1.I chosen this career cause I love to help people. 2.I also want this cause my grandma was a nurse. 3.Last reason is I want to be an HERO!!

6 Challenges 1.Well there is a very bad challenge that I have to face is that I have to be trained basically for eleven years. 2.Also an challenge is that I have to be ready to save people lives. 3.I have to be ready to graduate and leave my family.

7 Solutions 1.I’m ready to do what it takes to be an doctor. 2.I love to help people in need. 3.I like to study.

8 Interesting Facts About 3 out 10 physicians worked more than 60 hours a week in 2008. Did you know that doctors that work in an small office get more time off.

9 Bibliography Doctor." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. < m

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