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39°N 22°E  Where it is on the map The climate in Greece is mainly Mediterranean made up of hot and dry summers, and mild wet winters.

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2 39°N 22°E  Where it is on the map

3 The climate in Greece is mainly Mediterranean made up of hot and dry summers, and mild wet winters.

4  Approximately 80% of Greece consists of hills or mountains. Western Greece contains some lakes and wetlands

5  Greece has had ten earthquakes in total and 3 forest fires.

6  The population of Greece was last recorded in 2011 and the population was approximatly11 million people.

7  There are only 4 neighbouring countries for Greece and those are turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Albania.

8  Male is 97.8%  Female is 94.2%  The average for literacy rate for both genders is 96%.

9  Greece is a parliamentary republic. The person with the most power is the head of the government. The head of each state has little power.

10  Athens is the capital city of Greece. The exact population of Athens in 2011 (last recorded) was 664,046 people. Athens has lots of mountains. There are lots of tourist that go to Athens every year to see all the ancient ruins, and temples.

11  ype:country_region:GR ype:country_region:GR ab&tok=oytOWyWoBm_q2EK0oMp13w&pq=capital%20of%20greece&cp=10&gs_id=16&xhr=t&q=athens+population&es_nrs=true&pf=p&scli ent=psy-ab&oq=athens+pop&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=be17b17f05dfe266&biw=1152&bih=728

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