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12/6/20151. 2 The mandate of the department is to promote, facilitate, coordinate and monitor the realization of the rights of women, children and people.

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1 12/6/20151

2 2 The mandate of the department is to promote, facilitate, coordinate and monitor the realization of the rights of women, children and people with disabilities.

3 Vision “A fully inclusive society free from unfair discrimination, inequality, abuse and exploitation Mission To drive Government’s equity, equality and empowerment agenda for women, children and people with disabilities through an integrated approach to accelerate the realisation of their human rights. 12/6/20153

4 The DWCPD has highlighted the need that equity measures be mainstreamed across the work of government in this Strategic Plan and the previous Strategic Plan; In addition, mainstreaming the 5 national priorities will be based on ensuring that gender, children and disability responsive actions and indicators are integrated into the 12 delivery outcomes for government departments; It seeks to ensure that the analysis of issues and the formulation of policy options are informed by a consideration of gender differences, rights of children and people with disabilities; Opportunities are sought to narrow gaps and support greater equality, inclusivity, protection and respect for human rights and dignity; and The alignment of the needs of the three targeted groups with the outcomes and deliverables of Governments programmes. 12/6/20154

5 ProgrammeBaseline 2011/12 R000 2012/13 R000 2013/14 R000 2014/15 R000 ADMIN (1)42,863,874,083, 6 Council for GBV 02,5 WEGE (2)23,018,422,025,2 CGE55,158,561,765,4 CRR (3)10,213,516,017,1 RPD (4)12,015,419,120,9 Total143,1172,2195,3214,7 12/6/20155

6  The programme consists of the following sub-programmes and components: ◦ Sub-programme: Ministry – Budget Allocation: R19m  Minister  Deputy Minister ◦ Sub-programme: Management – Budget Allocation: R14.1m  Office of DG  Inter-sectoral and International Relations  Strategic Management  Research and Policy development  Internal Audit 12/6/20156

7  The programme consists of the following sub-programmes and components: ◦ Sub-programme: Corporate Services – Budget Allocation: R22.8m  DDG Corporate Management  Communications  Legal Services  Resource Management  Financial Management ◦ Sub-programme: Office Accommodation – Budget Allocation: R7.9m 12/6/20157

8  Sub-programme: Ministry ◦ Capacity – the sub-programme is well capacitated with the Minister and the Deputy Minister to meet their political obligations. ◦ Challenges – The main challenge in terms of financial resources for the sub-programme to operate optimal  Sub-programme: Management ◦ Capacity – the sub-programme is fairly capacitated, however on the governance compliance area the internal audit function is not as yet established. ◦ Challenges – the main challenge for the sub-programme is limited financial resources to capacitate the sub-programme to operate optimally. The current financial resources is also not adequate for the daily operations of the sub-programme. 12/6/20158

9  Sub-programme: Corporate Services ◦ Capacity – the sub-programme has started to fully operate independently from the Presidency in September 2011. Since then the department has put in place basic operating systems i.e. BAS and Persal, however the following can not be implemented due to budgetary constraints:  Security Services – no security infrastructure in place and need 2 staff members additional to the 1 in office.  Logis system – not implemented due to staff capacity constraints, need 3 staff members additional to the 3 already in office.  Information Technology – various hardware items are borrowed from the Presidency and the linking of the 3 offices ( 2 in PTA and CT). Need at least 3 staff members additional to the 2 already in office.  Asset Management – no structure on the establishment, consultants appointed to ensure compliance with National Treasury. Need 4 staff members as per proposed structure.  Facilities Management – no Switchboard facilities in place, no Records Management plan.  Communications – all activities are not funded. The unit can not effectively coordinate events.  Skills Development – non compliance to the act due to no funding. 12/6/20159

10  Sub-programme: Office Accommodation ◦ The current office building is inadequate to accommodate the current staff compliment and other specialised areas i.e storage for records, inventory, finance and human resource documents and reasonable accommodation. ◦ With the extension to the AVN building the department cannot afford the current rental obligation. 12/6/201510

11  Capacity – ◦ The programme is partially capacitated in terms of human and financial resources. However the programme has been able to implement certain projects through donor funding and continued partnerships with donor agencies, government departments and civil society organisations.  Challenges – ◦ The current budget will not permit the programme to implement it current obligations i.e. Provincial and Local consultations, Gender Machineries (partially), Capacity Development on Gender Mainstreaming and Responsive Budgeting, Social Campaigns Coordination. ◦ Without urgent funding the National Council against Gender Based Violence (NCGBV) will not be effectively implemented. 12/6/201511

12  Capacity – the programme is partially capacitated in terms of human and financial resources. However the programme has been able to implement certain projects through key donor support from UNICEF and continued partnerships with other donor agencies, government departments and civil society organisations.  Challenges – the current budget will not permit the programme to implement it current obligations i.e. National Children’s Day, Child Protection week and other Social Campaigns. 12/6/201512

13  Capacity – ◦ The programme is partially capacitated in terms of human and financial resources. However the programme has been able to implement certain projects through key donor funding from UNICEF and continued partnerships with other donor agencies, government departments and civil society organisations.  Challenges – ◦ The current budget will not permit the programme to implement it current obligations i.e. International Day of Disabled People (IDPD), National Disability Awareness Campaign and National Accessibility Campaign. 12/6/201513

14  The department employed staff outside the DPSA Salary Structure ◦ The department would like to clarify that no staff member has been appointed outside of the approved DPSA Salary Structure, however, certain staff members have been appointed on higher notches than the entry level of the Salary Band due to lateral transfers from other departments.  The department employed staff outside the approved Organogram ◦ The positions that will qualify as appointments outside the approved organogram will be the 4 Chief Director positions (1 in Research and 3 in CRPD) which we were supposed to obtain MPSA concurrence before advertisement.  Action taken by the department ◦ The MPSA was approached for concurrence, however the department was requested to submit additional information. ◦ There has been an engagement between the officials from DPSA and DWCPD in addressing this matter. 12/6/201514

15  The department is currently reviewing the organisational structure in line with the mandate.  In terms of Human resources the department currently has 125 filled posts against an allocation of R57.1m while the actual cost of the filled posts is R63.1m.  The department is currently engaging our Minister and in process of seeking approval from National Treasury with regards to the shifting of funds from Goods & Services to Compensation.  In order for the department to operate optimal for the current financial year the following critical posts must be filled but however are unfunded: ◦ Risk Manager ◦ Office Manager in DG’s Office ◦ Deputy Director SCM ◦ Deputy Director Internal Audit ◦ Records Manager ◦ Web Master ◦ Deputy Director IT ◦ Senior Network Controller ◦ Senior Legal Admin Officer (MR-6) ◦ Deputy Director Labour Relations ◦ Health & Wellness Manager 12/6/201515

16  In order for the department to operate optimal for the current financial year the following critical posts must be filled but however are unfunded: (cont) ◦ Deputy Director International Coordination ◦ Director Advocacy and Mainstreaming (WEGE) ◦ Director Institutional Support & Capacity Development (WEGE) ◦ Director M&E (WEGE) ◦ Chief Director Institutional Support & Capacity Development (CRR) ◦ Director Advocacy & Mainstreaming (CRR) ◦ Director M&E (CRR) ◦ Deputy Director Institutional Support & Capacity Development (CRR) ◦ Chief Director Advocacy & Mainstreaming (RPD) ◦ Director Institutional Support & Capacity Development (RPD) ◦ Deputy Director M&E (RPD) ◦ Branch Coordinator (RPD) 12/6/201516

17  The process to source alternative office accommodation through Public Works has been initiated. The department needs support from the Committee in sourcing funding from National Treasury.  The department requires additional funding to address the reasonable accommodation requirements to ensure compliance.  For the department to move forward and to operate optimal the following additional funding is needed: ◦ Compensation – R19m ◦ Goods & Services – R58m ◦ Capital Expenditure – R 1m ◦ Total – R78m 12/6/201517

18  The department requests the Committee to assist in its efforts to obtain additional funding.  The department also appreciates the support from the Committee in encouraging National Treasury and DWCPD to work together in coming up with an intervention strategy. 12/6/201518

19 THANK YOU 12/6/201519

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