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Presentation on theme: "Mirrors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mirrors

2 Q What is a mirror? A: A polished surface which reflects an image is a mirror.

3 Q What are mirrors made up of
Q What are mirrors made up of? A: Mirrors are made up of a flat piece of glass, which has thin coat of silver behind. It is very shiny, so light bounces off this very well.

4 Q 19 Name types of mirrors. A: 1) Plane mirror = the flat mirror which we use to see our image. 2) Concave mirror = Mirror which is curved inwards, like cave. (Example; inside of spoon). 3) Convex mirror = Mirror which is curved outside, like the outside of a dome. ( Example; outside of spoon).


6 Q What are the uses of plane mirror. A: 1) to see our images
Q What are the uses of plane mirror? A: 1) to see our images. 2) Mirror writing like ambulance is written in mirror writing, so others can see the reflection in their mirror.

7 Q What are the uses of convex mirrors
Q What are the uses of convex mirrors? A: Convex mirrors are used as car door mirrors. Things look far away and smaller in convex mirrors.

8 Q What are the uses of concave mirrors
Q What are the uses of concave mirrors? A: Concave mirrors are used for makeup. Objects look bigger in concave mirrors.

9 Q How do we represent reflection and scattered light
Q How do we represent reflection and scattered light? A: We use arrows to show reflection and scattered light.

10 Q Why are the words ‘Police‘ and ‘Ambulance’ painted back – to – front on police vehicles and ambulances? A: Everything seems to be reverse in mirrors. So the words like police and ambulance are painted back-to-front so that the person in other vehicles can read the proper words in their back view mirrors.

11 Q What is reflection? A: Polished, smooth or shiny surfaces bounces light rays in the same direction. That’s why we see an image in a mirror. We see the Moon because it reflects the light from the Sun.

12 Q What are uses of reflection. A: 1) In toys like periscope
Q What are uses of reflection? A: 1) In toys like periscope. 2) Reflective materials help us to be seen at night, keeping us safe. 3) Lighthouse sends warning signals by reflecting a bright light.

13 Q What is refraction? A: Light bends as it moves from one type of material to another. For example a pencil in water appears as if it is broken.

14 Q What is absorption? A: The process by which light is absorbed is called absorption. Black color absorbs most of light that hit them. They reflect less light.

15 Q What is scattered light
Q What is scattered light? A: When light hits rough surfaces like wood, stone, paper or wool it will bounce off them in all directions. We say that light has been scattered.

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