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NEWSLETTER Ms. Campbell Ms. Holt Ms. Harper Spelling / Vocabulary This week’s spelling and vocabulary words are from the Prefix and Suffix Workbook. Test.

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Presentation on theme: "NEWSLETTER Ms. Campbell Ms. Holt Ms. Harper Spelling / Vocabulary This week’s spelling and vocabulary words are from the Prefix and Suffix Workbook. Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEWSLETTER Ms. Campbell Ms. Holt Ms. Harper Spelling / Vocabulary This week’s spelling and vocabulary words are from the Prefix and Suffix Workbook. Test Friday! Dif-, Dis-, Dys- Differ Differentiate Disobey Disagree Disconnect Dismiss Dispense Dysfunctional Anchorage Public School Monday, February 11, 2013 Reading/Language/Writing Students are typing the first draft of their personal narrative. For reading this week, students will reread “Wind at Work” in their new National Geographic reading series. Our reading skill is cause and effect. Our language skill is editing. Students will have centers each day. Library this week will be Friday instead of Wednesday. Math This week in math we will spend Monday working on test corrections for our quiz from last week. Everyone will have the opportunity to re- take this quiz on Wednesday. The rest of the week we will continue to convert mixed numbers & improper fractions. We will also be solving real world problems that will require us to add and subtract mixed numbers. On Friday we will start multiplying whole numbers by fractions. Don't forget, the unit assessment will take place next Thursday & Friday, the 21st & 22nd! Science Students will continue studying this week “Objects in the Sky.” We will review the four seasons, pertinent vocabulary, and study the phases of the moon. Students will describe the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. A quiz will be given on Friday. It will be one open response question. Students will need to be able to explain the difference between a rotating and revolving earth. Students will describe the reasons for the seasons as well as draw and label a diagram of the Sun and Earth as it changes during the four seasons. Social Studies This week in social studies we will be looking at primary and secondary sources. Students will learn that primary sources are original materials and that they are from the time period one is researching. They will explore the idea that secondary sources are written after the time period and that they can be written about primary sources. Students will identify examples of these sources and learn that these sources are necessary when describing an important event in history. Upcoming Dates: 1.February 14 th Classroom Valentine Parties 2:00. 2.February 21 st “Movin” Program 2:00 and 7:00 pm. 3.February 25- March 1 st Winter Break. 4.March 1 st Trimester Ends 5.March 5 th Author visit with C.C. Payne. 6.March 8 th Trimester Report Sent Home 7.March 21 st Talent Show 8.March 25 th WWII Presenter Mr. Ed Harrell 9.April 1-5 Spring Break ANCHORAGE VISION The Anchorage School Learning Community Launching Life Long Learning Through... Inspiration – Exploration – Connection Just a Reminder: 1.Parent / teacher conferences have been scheduled. If you have any questions or need to make a change, please let me know. 2.Our holiday party for Valentine’s Day will be on Thursday, February 14 th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Students have brought home a letter about the party with the names of each of their classmates. 3.Students have a new Study Island Assignment for Earth Science added to their account. Completion of all five lessons by the due date will count for extra credit in Science.

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