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SUMMARIZING.  In what situations is it important for our students to summarize?

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2  In what situations is it important for our students to summarize?

3  take sections of text and restate the most important idea(s) in our own words  analyze text at a deep level  use subskills, such as:  determining importance  paraphrasing  distinguishing between main ideas/ details  Use reading tools, such as: rereading, slowing down, marking the text WHEN WE SUMMARIZE, WE…

4  is one of the hardest skills to grasp  is one of the most difficult skills to teach  must be modeled repeatedly  must be practiced often SUMMARIZING…  is one of the hardest skills to grasp  is one of the most difficult skills to teach  must be modeledrepeatedly  must be practiced often

5 1. Delete trivial material that is unnecessary to understanding. 2. Delete words that repeat information. 3. Substitute for a list of things with a word that describes the things in the list (ex: use “trees” for “elm, oak, and maple”) 4. Keep things that are important. RULE BASED SUMMARIZING

6 1. Delete trivial material that is unnecessary to understanding. 2. Delete words that repeat information. 3. Substitute for a list of things with a word that describes the things in the list (ex: use “trees” for “elm, oak, and maple”) 4. Keep things that are important. RULE BASED SUMMARIZING... 1. Delete unnecessary things. 2. Substitute for lists. 3. Keep main ideas.

7 SUMMARIZING ACTIVITIES  Selective Underlining/Highlighting  Margin/Sticky Notes  Doodle Pages  What’s Interesting? / What’s Important?  One Sentence Summary / GIST / Sum It Up  Somebody…Wanted...But...So… (fiction)  Technology Twists  Microsoft Word: highlighting, comments, track changes

8 Model Teach Independent Practice Guided Practice Teacher Responsibility StudentResponsibility

9  Summarizing in the Classrooms  Week 1 of 4 th block  Continuously in regular classes  Resources  Flip Book (anything to add??)  Wiki: (public)  Colleagues  Ongoing support from Literacy Coach  One-Sentence Summary of this session!

10 Sources Beers, K. (2003). When Kids Can't Read. Portsmouth: Heinemann. Harvey, S., & Goudvis, A. (2007). Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and Engagement. Portland: Stenhouse. Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & PollocK, J. E. (2001). Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Alexandria: ASCD. Tovani, C. (2000). I Read It But I Don't Get It: Comprehension Strategies for Adolescent Readers. Portsmouth: Stenhouse.

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