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Applying IoT. Brett Hazen Senior II Consultant Slideshare:

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Presentation on theme: "Applying IoT. Brett Hazen Senior II Consultant Slideshare:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying IoT

2 Brett Hazen Senior II Consultant Email: Twitter: @BrettEHazen Slideshare:

3 WTF is IoT and Why Do I Care? Making objects intelligent in a way that’s connected to other devices Successful IoT Based Businesses:  Nest  FitBit  Parrot (drones, not birds) Teaching coding FUN!

4 PhotoPhoto by Länsmuseet Gävleborg / CC BY-NC-NDLänsmuseet Gävleborg CC BY-NC-ND

5 Microcontroller  Small instruction set  Small, read-only memory  Designed for embedded  Great at doing one thing System on a Chip  Single-chip solution  Other functionality built- in  Run an OS  Have some memory on- board

6 Microcontroller Examples ArduinoPic PhotoPhoto by w:User:Acdx / CC BY-SAw:User:AcdxCC BY-SA Photo Photo by SparkFun Electronics / CC BYSparkFun ElectronicsCC BY

7 PhotoPhoto by oomlout / CC BY-SAoomlout CC BY-SA

8 Microcontroller Examples ArduinoPic PhotoPhoto by w:User:Acdx / CC BY-SAw:User:AcdxCC BY-SA Photo Photo by SparkFun Electronics / CC BYSparkFun ElectronicsCC BY

9 PhotoPhoto by JotaCartas / CC BYJotaCartasCC BY

10 System on a Chip Examples Raspberry PiIntel Edison PhotoPhoto by Lucasbosch / CC BY-SALucasboschCC BY-SA PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronics CC BY

11 Other Examples Littlebits PhotoPhoto by adafruit / CC BY-NC-SAadafruit CC BY-NC-SA SAM Couldn’t find picture I could legally use 

12 Other Devices  Particle (formerly Spark)  BeagleBone  MinnowBoard MAX  Tessel

13 PhotoPhoto by / CC CC BY

14 Wifi Ethernet XBeeGSMRF Bluetooth (LE) Original public domain image PhotoPhoto by Canopus49 / CC BY-SACanopus49CC BY-SA PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronicsCC BY Original public domain image PhotoPhoto by Dmcole / CC BY-SADmcoleCC BY-SA PhotoPhoto by RRZEicons / CC BY-SARRZEiconsCC BY-SA

15 PhotoPhoto by the mad LOLscientist / CC BY the mad LOLscientist CC BY

16 C/C++ What Arduino Uses Write a “sketch” Don’t necessarily need to know C

17 Python Comes on the Raspberry Pi (both 2 and 3) RPi.GPIO package for accessing GPIO pins

18 PhotoPhoto by Low Voltage Labs / CC BY-SALow Voltage Labs CC BY-SA

19 Python Comes on the Raspberry PI RPi.GPIO package for accessing GPIO pins

20 JavaScript Johnny5

21 More JavaScript Cylon

22 PhotoPhoto by oomlout / CC BY-SAoomlout CC BY-SA

23 PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronics CC BY PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronics CC BY

24 PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronics CC BY Original public domain image

25 PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BY-NC-SASparkFunElectronics CC BY-NC-SA

26 PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronics CC BY PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronics CC BY

27 PhotoPhoto by oomlout / CC BY-SAoomlout CC BY-SAPhotoPhoto by Lucky Larry / CC BY-NCLucky LarryCC BY-NC PhotoPhoto by SparkFunElectronics / CC BYSparkFunElectronics CC BY PhotoPhoto by Matt Biddulph / CC BY-SAMatt Biddulph CC BY-SA


29 OWASP 2014 IoT Top 10 – Developer Focus 1. Insecure Web Interface 2. Insufficient Authentication/Authorization 3. Insecure Network Services 4. Lack of Transport Encryption 5. “Privacy Concerns” (quotes mine) 6. Insecure Cloud Interface 7. Insecure Mobile Interface 8. Insufficient Security Configurability 9. Insecure Software/Firmware 10. Poor Physical Security

30  Places to Buy Things  SparkFun (  AdaFruit (  Amazon  Resources of Projects   Arduino (  Raspberry Pi Foundation (  Pluralsight courses  Node.js and the Internet of Things Using Intel Edison  Introduction to Arduino  Raspberry Pi for Developers

31 Questions?

32 Brett Hazen Senior II Consultant Email: Twitter: @BrettEHazen Slideshare: Demo Code:

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