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Macros Lesson 7. Objectives 1. Create a macro. 2. Run a macro. 3. Edit a macro. 4. Copy, rename, and delete macros. 5. Customize menus and toolbars. After.

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Presentation on theme: "Macros Lesson 7. Objectives 1. Create a macro. 2. Run a macro. 3. Edit a macro. 4. Copy, rename, and delete macros. 5. Customize menus and toolbars. After."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macros Lesson 7

2 Objectives 1. Create a macro. 2. Run a macro. 3. Edit a macro. 4. Copy, rename, and delete macros. 5. Customize menus and toolbars. After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

3 Record Macro dialog box Figure 7-1

4 Customize Keyboard dialog box Figure 7-2

5 Stop Recording toolbar Figure 7-3

6 Message box that might appear when security level is set to High Figure 7-4

7 Security dialog box Figure 7-5

8 Dialog box for Medium security Figure 7-6

9 Choosing a table format for the MakeTable macro Figure 7-7

10 Microsoft Visual Basic window Figure 7-8

11 MakeTable macro after editing Figure 7-9

12 Copying the NewMacros module to the GoldenLetter template Figure 7-11

13 Copying an individual macro Figure 7-12

14 Copied and renamed macro after editing Figure 7-13

15 Adding a command to a menu Figure 7-15

16 Learning about digital signatures Figure 7-16

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