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Day and Night. The following words have vowels missing – can you work out what they are? RTH SPC MN DY NGHT YR SPHR PLNTS SSN XS.

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Presentation on theme: "Day and Night. The following words have vowels missing – can you work out what they are? RTH SPC MN DY NGHT YR SPHR PLNTS SSN XS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day and Night

2 The following words have vowels missing – can you work out what they are? RTH SPC MN DY NGHT YR SPHR PLNTS SSN XS

3 Day and Night The Earth spins on its AXIS It takes 24 hours for the Earth to do one complete spin. The Earth spins around once per day.


5 When the Earth faces the Sun, it is _________ When the Earth faces away from the Sun, it is __________ DAYTIME NIGHTIME

6 SUNLIGHT The Earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours. The Earth & Beyond : Day & Night

7 The Earth spins in an ANTICLOCKWISE direction. This makes the sun appear to rise in the ____ and set in the _____ EAST WEST

8 Casablanca Antanarivo Pretoria  It is 04:00 in London Philippines

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