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UK Climate Projections User Interface Centre for Environmental Data Archival RAL, UK Stephen Pascoe, Ag Stephens,

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Presentation on theme: "UK Climate Projections User Interface Centre for Environmental Data Archival RAL, UK Stephen Pascoe, Ag Stephens,"— Presentation transcript:

1 UK Climate Projections User Interface Centre for Environmental Data Archival RAL, UK Stephen Pascoe, Ag Stephens, Alan Iwi, Peter Norton, David Alderson, Philip James, Simon Abele

2 Introduction Peter Norton A contractor from Tessella Worked on the Web Processing Service (WPS) and the data processing code

3 Overview What are the UK Climate Projections Quick look at the UKCP User Interface A Closer look at the WPS The UKCP-UI Deployment Architecture

4 UK Climate Projections Funded by UK Department of Environment DEFRA Designed to serve as the evidence base for climate change mitigation decisions by public and private UK bodies 7 years work by UK Met. Office 2 year project at CEDA to build the user interface UKCP-UI

5 UKCP09 Data Product Probabilistic: Ensemble of model runs Summarised into CDFs and PDFs Regional and sub-regional resolution 25km grid over land Administrative regions and river basins Weather Generator

6 UKCP09 Reports

7 UKCP-UI a quick look

8 Starting the request

9 Selecting a datasource

10 Emissions Scenario and Time

11 Selecting a location Different methods of selection 25Km Rotated Grid

12 Selecting a location 5Km Grid Regions

13 Choosing your output Select from different output types Can name the request

14 Graphical Output Preview Image Adjust Variables Download Options Plot Settings

15 Graphical Output (Map)

16 User jobs summary

17 Data product delivery The UKCP output formats Publication quality plots: PNG, PDF, PS, JPG CF-NetCDF. via subsetting with cdat_lite (cdms) CSV via nappy NetCDF NASA Ames library Shapefiles via shapelib Delivered in a zipfile with project-specific metadata Duplicate outputs avoided using caching Resubmit jobs via the “MyJobs” page Share some jobs via URLs

18 Architecture

19 The Application Layer

20 Web Processing Service OGC Standard for asynchronous processing A WPS service offers a set of Processes that operate on Inputs producing Outputs Supports process status polling Percent complete Outputs available

21 COWS WPS COWS handles OGC interfaces “Plug-In” process modules Synchronous processes run in the server Asynchronous processes run via Sun Grid Engine Cost estimation SGE scheduling Configurable queues for fast and slow jobs Control number of simultaneous requests Processing occurs on separate nodes

22 WPS Protocol

23 Evaluating the use of a WPS Advantages: Someone has thought about the interface before Useful access (via http) directly to a process Clear division between UI and Application layer code Disadvantages: Need to negotiate a clear interface (XML) between UI and Application layers Had to follow (or extend) a specification

24 Deployment

25 Original Server Structure ddp-ps1ddp-ps2ddp-ps3 ddp-ui1 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app1 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-store1 SGE execd archive ddp-u2i UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app2 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-store2 SGE execd archive ddp-ui3 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app3 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-store3 SGE execd archive ddp-ps5 ddp-admin1 haproxy SGE master userdb (postgres) cache ddp-ps4 ddp-adminbak1 mirror state cachebak acache 1 acache 2 acache 3 Master server and backup Physical servers Virtual Machines Temporary servers for high-demand launch period

26 Requirements shift “We need 1,000 simultaneous users” from 50 Extensive system testing: Login, Request Builder, WMS, WPS, download Scaled up Xen VM system x3 Found several critical optimisations

27 Modified Server Structure ddp-ps1ddp-ps2ddp-ps3 ddp-ps5ddp-ps4 ddp-ui1 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app1 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-store1 SGE execd archive ddp-u2i UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app2 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-store2 SGE execd archive ddp-ui3 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app3 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-store3 SGE execd archive ddp-ui6 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app6 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-ps6 ddp-ui9 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app9 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-ps9 ddp-ui7 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app7 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-ps7 ddp-ui8 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app8 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-ps8 ddp-ui10 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app10 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-ps10 ddp-ui11 UI (php) geoserver (tomcat) spatialdb (postgres) ddp-app11 WMS (python) WPS (python) ddp-ps11 ddp-admin1 haproxy SGE master userdb (postgres) ddp-adminbak1 mirror state cache cachebak acache 1 acache 2 acache 3 Master server and backup Physical servers Virtual Machines Temporary servers for high-demand launch period

28 Thank you Stephen Pascoe, Ag Stephens, Alan Iwi, Peter Norton, David Alderson, Philip James, Simon Abele

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